Hi! My name is Ryan. If you found my page you might already know that I play guitar for the alternative rock band rotation, from Michigan...if not, u do now! I love talking to people who love to talk, it makes for great conversation!haha I'm open to anything people say, and believe me, I think I've almost heard it all!!lol
If u really wanna know..... I play guitar and have done it for about a decade, it helps me escape, I love playing live..... I write/record/program demo music at home and will fry my brain at the computer for hours, even if we never use the song i'm working on! i enjoy every second of it!!..... and I luuuuuuv talking to friends and fans (I'm not here to talk about, you know what I'm sayin!) whether in person, on the phone, or on the internet..... Learning from others is a habit I've always been good at, but applying what I've learned is a completely different story!lmao! I take everything in life seriously, but also joke about almost anything just to keep me happy..... Enough about me.....
What about you?????
the lines