モアリズム profile picture


About Me

東京国立市を拠点とするナカムラ(ヴォーカム«ï¼†ã‚®ã‚¿ãƒ¼)、アントニオ佐々木(ギター)ã€æ¸…æ° ´"エスパー"光一(コントラバス)ã€ãƒ”ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ³å·å ŽŸ(ドラム)の超個性派4ピース。 作詞作曲も担当するナカムラは、現在では珍 しくなくなった日本語詞とルーツ系ブラック ・ミュージックとの融合における先駆け的存 在。 '97年に立ち上げたカリフラワーズは宮迫博之 主演映画「蛇イチゴ」を始めとする西川美和 監督作品全ての音楽を担当し、TV、CMç­‰ã‚„å…¨å› ½ãƒ„ã‚¢ãƒ¼ã€ï¼˜æžšã®ã‚¢ãƒ«ãƒãƒ ã®ç™ºè¡¨ã¨ã€å¤šå²ã«æ¸ ¡ã‚‹æ´»èºã‚’見せる。 '07年、オダギリジョー主演映画「ゆれる」の 音楽で一躍脚光を浴びていたその渦中、ナカ ムラは突如、唯一無二のリアリティを求める ためと、カリフラワーズの電撃解散を宣言。 その最後のドラマー、ピストン川原とユニッ トを組み、敬愛するロニージョンソンの曲名 から"モアリズム"と命名、全国のカフェやラ㠂¤ãƒ–ハウスを旅する。 '08年初頭、カリフラワーズ初代ベーシストで あり「ゆれる」にピアニストとして参加して いた清水"エスパー"光一が満を持して加入。 同時にアルバム"Rhythm&Blues"を製作。5月よ りライブ会場での手売りのみで販売。全国ツ アー93本のライブを敢行。 シンプルな構成からは想像もつかない幅広い サウンドとエンターティメント性溢れるステ ージで好評を博す。 また、自主企画「リズム★ジャンボリー」や 、DJ MSQとの共同企画「Analog★Cyndicate」を開催。 '09年初頭、福岡で活躍していた"ちょい濡れムœãƒ¼ã‚¤ã‚º"の"黒いダイヤモンド"ã¨ç•°åã‚’å–ã‚‹å‡ „腕ギタリスト、アントニオ佐々木が加入。6æ œˆ17日には、Nweã‚¢ãƒ«ãƒãƒ ã€Œç¬‘ã†èŠ±ã€ã¨å½¼ã‚‰ãŒéŸ ³æ¥½ã‚’手がけた、映画「Dear Doctor」(主演・笑福亭鶴瓶、監督・西川美和  6/27全国ロードショウ)のオリジナルサウム³ãƒ‰ãƒˆãƒ©ãƒƒã‚¯ã‚’同時リリース。今後の活動にだ¾ã™ã¾ã™æ³¨ç›®ãŒé›†ã¾ã‚‹ã€‚
Four super-individuality sect pieces Nakamura (vocal & guitar) based on Tokyo Kunitachi city, Antonio Sasaki (guitar), Shimizu "Esper" Koichi (contrabass), and piston Kawahara (drum). Nakamura who takes charge of the composition of writing songs exists in uniting of Japanese poetry and root system black music that became not unusual now the lead. Cauliflowers started up in year of the '97 takes charge of music all the Nishikawa Miwa supervisor works including Miyasako Hiroyuki starring movie "Hebi Ichigo", and shows activity over the announcement of TV, CM, etc. nationwide tour, and 8 albums and many topics. The whirlpool and irregular Naka who was stealing the limelight suddenly by the music of Odagiri Joe starring movie "Yureru" declare the blitz dissolution of [karifurawa-zu] for 07 years in case of the purpose is to request a unique reality suddenly. The unit pairs with the last drummer and piston Kawahara, "Moa rhythm", it names from the name of a song of Ronny Johnson who holds in high esteem, and it travels around the cafe and the nightclub of the whole country. Founder Cauliflowers bassist it and joining of Shimizu "Esper" Koichi who was in "Yureru" as a pianist by 08 beginnings of year. The album "Rhythm&Blues" is produced at the same time. It sells it only by the hand sales in a live hall in May. Live of 93 nationwide tours is dared. It is popular from a simple composition in the wide stage that cannot be imagined where the sound and the entertainment character overflow. Moreover, corporate planning "Analog★Cyndicate" of independent project "Rhythm☆Jamboree" and DJ MSQ is held. It is 'Took an active part by 09 beginnings of year in Fukuoka and the go-getter guitarist and Antonio Sasaki who took the alias join about"Choi-nure boys ", saying that a "black diamond". take charge of the music of movie An original sound track of movie "Dear Doctor" (starring,Shofukutei-tsurube, and supervisor and Nishikawa Miwa 6/27 nationwide premiere) that Nwe album "Warauhana" and they handled music is released simultaneously on June 17. Attention gathers in the future work more and more.

My Interests


Member Since: 27/07/2008
Band Website: http://www.morerhythm.net
Band Members: ナカムラ(Vo&G)、アントニオ佐々木(G) 、清水”エスパー”光一(WBï¼‰ã€ãƒ”ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ³å·å ŽŸï¼ˆDr)
Influences: Blues,Jazz,Soul,Funk,Reggae...Black Music
Sounds Like: Rhythm&Blues
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

617å ÀÖëûêêü¹

e‹617åkâ¢êºànNew¢ëÐà F± hâ¢êºàLhfnó}’KLQ_ ; Dear Doctor ;û­´ö ãcûÝŽŒ nªê¸Ê뵦óÉÈéïL Bêêü¹UŒ~Yâ¢êºàÛüàÚ ü¸K‰‚ˆïýgY]Wf eúû¹¿üѤóºû«Õ§kf724å(Ñ)ÀÖëêêü¹õÑüÆ£Lzš †ØJ}Wk
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jun 2009 23:51:00 GMT


Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 08:54:00 GMT


JB“B‹¹o/^iF^â¢êºà J…aWfJŠ~Y2009.3.07 7Life like a slow picture vol.9SHIBUYA HOME[HP]q¬ý 7: 7 1-10-7 °íüꢮÊBIII B1FTEL 03-5774-5822OPENSTART 18:0018:30CHARGE å2000å2500with«¬êÓ SPIRO ;â¢êºào...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 02:22:00 GMT


2009.2.28 °¿š ¢³ü¹Æ£Ã¯n-níïVOL.52008t1128åk‹¬W_ ¢³ü¹Æ£Ã ¯n-níïVOL.5 LfnúDn-úL¤AgMSŒgB‰Yno‚c_DjDh š ¢³ü¹Æ£Ã¯ n-níïVOL.5 ’‹¬LzšNaked Loft[HP]q¬ý°¿:~º:1-5-1 ~º:Óë1FTEL 03-3205-1556OPEN18:0...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 09:39:00 GMT

2009t né¤Öo

ÊtoEIKURAWOODK‰¹¿üÈ¢óÈ˪P(L eW_°â¢êºà’^FT… 2009.1.17 EIRollin' Glory vol.21EIKURAWOOD[HP]q¬ýðq:Òb1-3-8Ùó¢áEIÓëB1TEL 03-58 27-1234OPENSTART 18:0018:30CHARGE å18002100+1order withTHE PENN...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 10:59:00 GMT


Öé¶ü·¹¿ün†ØQ~WfJghFTVD~Y(to' JqkjŠt¦k‚¢‰ZAtk‚XfW~F {iEŸn t’NTU[fM~W_~_ÊtK‰o®¿ê¹ÈhWf]ÞQJnÒDÀ¤äâóÉ¢óÈ˪P(’ÎH /Mº(ÞÍü¸ãü)hWfʤ¹­ãéNN‹7¢Ùaƒ“‚ ŠêTnó’öH‹yO2WfLO@XgTVD~Y DO‰Jqkjcf‚LD®¿ü’»...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 17:20:00 GMT

12/17 ¢ 440 ¹«ý

2008.12.174 ¢¹«ý^Hp`OxM_‚“` 440[HP]q¬ý07:ã¢5-29-15SYÓë1FTEL.03-3422-9440[4PM-] OPEN19:00/START19:30 CHARGE å2000å2500(+1drink)withWhat's Love[HP]AKIO(KOOLOGI,ex SNAIL RAMP)[HP]DJ:Duck Soup F...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Dec 2008 12:35:00 GMT


2008.12.05Ñ °¿Friday Heart Beat Club°¿SACT![HP]q¬ý°¿:°¿6î28-8 éûÙëÆ£°¿ B101TEL 05075105158OPENSTART 19302000CHARGE ¥2000¥2300withR0±ó¤Á FLAVA2008.12.07å ؆ úJan Frenzy Presents acoustic night v...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 19:24:00 GMT

Rq AnalogCyndicate vol.2

2008.11.22 ALL NIGHT!RqAnalogCyndicateDJ MSQhâ¢êºàn'ºn_nCLUB¤ÙóÈ,2ÞWRq MANDALA[HP]q¬ý/:WRq3-2-2 MRÓëTEL 03-5474-0411OPENSTART 22:00CHARGE ¥2000withMountain Mocha Kilimanjaro[HP]º¯Ê·[HP]Akito Wo...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 18:33:00 GMT


2008.11.14Ñ ÙðÛsúYêºà¸ãóÜêü^Ùðè^HEAVEN[HP]ÙðRI:ý:3-1-12 q ÓëB1TEL 022-268-2771OPENSTART 19002000CHARGE å2500å3000withJabB ee[HP](ýnP[HP]2008.11.15 Û¡JunkStyle Presents"Let's Spend Both Nig...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 19:46:00 GMT