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About Me

'The circle became circles and the circles will become again the circle' ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- It is wrong to hurt people and recieve 'profit' off it. One should see people as sister or brother. Do note put your power on people who can not, defend themselves. You don't like pain yourself, to be tortured or rejected, or will not like pain in your future. Religeons should not fight, they should be complementary. Create a circle where everybody is welcome. Open up the circle, recieve and close the circle. And open up again the circle, and recieve again. Let us create circles of love in this world, where we see each other as equal. And become one circle and you will see.-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Music and being grateful. I didn't always hear music. I "received" soundwaves but I couldn't feel them. Suddenly I felt more and more a gratitude when I saw musicians play. You feel a both ways connection, a soft powerfull energy. Music is from the source of Love. It is a big wave of positive compassion. Songs are telling a story. You are singing about yourself, your surroundings, your history, ... Music is silence and we can use some i think. I started singing on the streets. People don't do that anymore in our western society. They are afraid to sing "false". More and more I felt the power of my voice. Music is for me: it doesn't matter who you are, you are here and welcome, you are travelling vulnerable and powerful. Music is connected with dance and our body. Music is eroticisme. Our voice is an amazing logical process. Everybody has his own voice. Music is breathing. It is allowing your body to breath, to live.Music is to help people, it is from the people.

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Member Since: 10/08/2006
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Type of Label: Major

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