All Hallows Eve profile picture

All Hallows Eve

I like to draw - the devil against the wall.

About Me

Misty Moon
Misty Moon
Misty Moon

My Interests

MyGen Profile Generator ICH MAG: TYPE O NEGATIVE * to eat, especially vegetable* in this context : alive animals * HALLOWEEN * to read, espacially all about Type O Negative * old cemeteries * PRAG * to take photographs at old cemeteries * to sleep, if possible long and untroubled * CAT..s * Callas * digital picture manipulation * Pictures from VIONA IELEGEMS * Kat van D. * Tattoos, espacially colored * BAT..s * Coffee (a Must-have) * drawing * to write horrosstorys * Rilke + Nitzsche * raven * redheads * KNUT * art from Victoria Frances + Dorian Cleavenger * bland climate * AUTUMN (always to short) * to burn incence * PENTAGRAMs * Elephants * good Horrormovies * Thunderstorm * Emily the strange * Hello Kitty * real ghost stories * WITCHES * Wicca * looking for some people how celebrate the circle of year - Deadly pictures, gothic horror, sick layouts


Favourite Songs at the moment: Type O Negative - September Sun *Pain - Nailed to the ground *Paradise Lost - The Enemy *Pink Turns Blue - Walk away - Deadly pictures, gothic horror, sick layouts

Movies: - Deadly pictures, gothic horror, sick layouts

My Blog

Tag des offenen Denkmals - Schloss Ponitz

Am 9. September war ja nun bundesweit der TAg des offenen Denkmals, der diesmal unter dem Motto "Sakrales" stand. Wir hatten uns eigentlich vorgenommen, den Feierhallen- und Krematoriumskomplex auf de...
Posted by All Hallows Eve on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 06:15:00 PST

Friday the 13th

Please be so kind to send me greetings to Friday the 13th - I love the Day!!!! Thank you all !!!
Posted by All Hallows Eve on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 05:49:00 PST