~Overland~ profile picture


~Don't make someone a priority, when to them you are only an option~

About Me

I'm Ova Afo oldest of five kids & live in SLC,Utah. However proudly reppin L.A. California where we're from & where I served an Lds Mission. During Feb02-July03 a blessing that sustains me every second of my life. We're Samoan w/a whole lot of heart,charity and love. My parents are Florence Teuila Olatoa Suapaia & father Loimata Tuimatafau Mapuolesega Fa'amaligi Afo.
Below @ Rocc's 21st Bdae is Uila,Rocc,Mom,Roy & King Tui.
And can't forget our new princess Roy's daughter Rochelle. Yes sir that's our baby right there. awwww! Followed by grandpa our dad Loi Afo!
I love meeting new people, getting together to have fun & just chill & laugh.. I love laughing all the time w/people who are naturally fun!I can't stand prejudice of any kine.
And becuz I love our Heavenly Father & Savior I love Missionary Work and seeing Heavenly Father's Gospel spread. I love MISSIONARIES OF ALL FAITHS & THOSE WHO ARE SERVING IN THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTERDAY SAINTS.
Thanks for visiting leave a comment ask a question or two. Maybe three and I'll answer depending. But I luv all of you & Happy Camping!

My Interests

Los Angeles Mission~

I'd like to meet:

My etc but who wouldn't!lol But I really can't wait til I meet the relatives I've met & haven't met that have passed away.Especially our following sistah!
Christina Lauolefiso Galea'i Fa'amaligi born to Aunty Vai Galeai & Uncle Fiso Fa'amaligi. My father Loi Afo's younger brother who passed away before Teena's birth. Aunty Vai being the faithful,giving,amazing woman that lead a life of service. Raising Teena as her mother & father dedicating her life to Teena. While living in beautiful Laie,Hawaii. Now happily reunited w/Teena & Uncle Fiso. Survived by our talented Galea'i clan & brother David Galea'i in Laie,Hawaii!

Now I ask you in your own lives today. Have you ever met someone who could bring the best out of you at any given moment? By positive motivation,uplifting words,joking ways & fun loving manner or loving kindness? Simply by their very presence.
Or how about someone who'd never allow you to gossip about others. Or allow you to put yourself down negatively & alwayz was real with their love? Well that was only half of how Teena was when we met her. Leaving such a lasting impression on all of us which exceeds her unexpected passing away. A beautiful,humble,funny and giving sister truely inspiring.

While growning up here in the mainland we'd hear stories of Teena. An entertainer for PCC that performed top notched. Graceful,Professional and Natural. Beaming with beautiful smiles representing all of Polynesia.

Or how She'd also lip sync outside of her PCC performances. An eye Catching entertainer for crowds while she'd do "Tina Turner" Rolling Rolling Rolling!lol second to none as a performer no doubt. (runs in our famz)lol

And finally when blessed to meeting Teena a year before her passing. Our experience was like no other. She was so happy to be w/us and vice versa. So filled w/love for each of us making us feel special in her own unique way. Always hugging us,making jokes & now to think back. She took in every moment as if it were her last teaching the principal of cherish your family.

Finally putting a face to her name. Only disappointed that we hadn't had more time to visit. Teena's memory is such an example to our family & I. That when I feel like I'm slippin' w/how I should be serving my family,friends and strangers. I'm reminded of how she was and I'm able to get back on track. And act right!

Teena on her visit here to Utah!

Her spirit for Christ is another evident gift she took ownership.A person who lived her beliefs and has become a voice of true Christlike Love. Never leaving anyone out especially little kids.

Teena taught us a game by the name of "Thumper" as kids. We all had nicknames & that's how she became our "Twinkle Twinkle" a starlett in her own right. This space is dedicated to her & stands as a reminder to all.

Esp. our family that we need to turn our lives towards Christ. Remembering any of us can be taken away tomorrow even today. And all the grudges we hold for one another will have meant nothing. If we let the chance of apologizing to one another pass cuz of pride. Allowing death to cheat us out of the chance of exerising forgiveness in being the bigger person.

An outlook that I keep in mind when I think of Teena & the whole purpose of why Christ came to die for us. Teaching that we have to be one in heart & mind. To love one another as he did. Not the part-time kind of love. I can't stand so & so then two days later I love them.lol I'm guilty of that kind of love.. But what matters is that we keep trying & we repent whole heartedly.
Only Christ can choose who he will forgive. But for us we must forgive everyone. Or we just end up damning ourselves.Wasting his ultimate sacfrice the Atonement.

I leave that w/you and my favorite scripture section! To think about & to motivate change in your lives. This next passage describes when Joseph Smith Jr. & his followers were suffering & being tortured by men who didn't understand their cause.

Reference Doctrine & Covenants 121:7-10 or logon to lds.org & go to the left section see scriptures & go to Doctrine & Covenants click section 121 & scroll to the verses.

And the Lord said:
7 My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; 8 And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. 9 Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands. 10 Thou art not yet as Job; thy friends do not contend against thee, neither charge thee with transgression, as they did Job.
All things are for the good of giving you experience and letting you know the only reason you made it out of that test was because of Christ & Heavenly Father. Be Believing! Step Up,Take Courage & Move with Faith towards Christ! Move TODAY because Yesterday has passed, Tomorrow is uncertain & TODAY IS WHAT MATTERS,Choose the Lord's Side~
Alofa lava Ovaland


My Beautiful Sistahz

My Security Team Don't be Jealous!

My Blog


Dear RM's, A lot has happened and now your home. You've changed, your family & friends  have changed and now your trying to fit into a world you left behind. Whether you've served  ...
Posted by ~Esperanza~ on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 06:35:00 PST

Why Live 4 Christ?

I love Jesus Christ our Savior & I'm at a point where my choices depend even more on that love. I know that I couldn't endure any of the trials I've experienced if it weren't for my belief in...
Posted by ~Esperanza~ on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:08:00 PST

~This Fast Sunday~

Welcome everyone it's another Sunday and more to share about what I learned today. This Sunday four missionaries who are about to enter the MTC held a musical Fireside before entering the field this W...
Posted by ~Esperanza~ on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 11:03:00 PST

~Weekly Testimony Subject:Seeing~

I've decided to use this space to share my testimony every week or when ever I feel like it. Why? becuz it's my myspace & two becuz I'm the boss!lol Seriously though I remember recently one of my ...
Posted by ~Esperanza~ on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 10:46:00 PST