Hiyo fellow Myspacians,
My name is Joah, as in J for Jawesome, O for Oarsome, A for Apple and H for Horsome. I'm 21 years old, and live in the sunny Gold Coast, on the south east coast of Queensland. I have 2 kittens (Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and Uno), and a fucking crazy horse (Indiana). Pictures of said animals are viewable in the pics section, so drop by and DAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW at them.
I have many an interest in a varied and broad range of hobbies, mainly including Global politics, Study of historic events (mainly war and shit), Warhammer (a fuckwin table top war game), and vidya games. I like long car trips (especially if I get to drive for a bit), riding my bike while teh misses rides Indiana, and taking the dogs to the park. I also for some fucking weird reason enjoy running. Yeah... go figure.
Metal Boxes are neat too.
Most importantly though is my nutty girlfriend. Leah's the name, and shes a great load of fun to be with. Makes everyday a good fucking riot. She hoons EVERYWHERE (fuck yeah sideways), makes corners and dark shadows fucking scary as fuck, and is just loud. She's smexy too.