D Low profile picture

D Low

Whew...time for a change!!

About Me

I'm that guy who likes to make everyone laugh and have a good time. I have been married going on ten years so you know I have a sense of humor but also I try and do what is right for my family. I have an awesome eight year old son that keeps me honest and on my toes. I work long hours and juggle a crazy schedule with my family but am most happy when I can relax with my wife and watch a good movie.

My Interests

My interests include: Texas Hold-em, Skateboarding, Bicycling, Kareoke, Hanging out with the family and playing outside with my son.Where's the kareoke book?Still love to get on the board but man I'm feelin' old!!

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet people who don't feel the need to lie about common things to make themselves sound cool (I Hate That)!! I'm really easy to get along with and just like to hang out with people that are ready to joke and laugh and have a good time!


I recently got an iPod and now I am listening to all kinds of music that I haven't heard in years plus alot of new songs that I have discovered while downloading my favs.Contradictive, I know, but they are my ears and I'll put in them what I want!!!


Comedy movies are my favorite but I like to watch action and horror flicks also!What a jacked up ending:(One of my favs from Adam Sandler. I can watch this one over and over again and still laugh my ass off!!


I don't watch a whole lot of T.V. but I like to play the Wii with my wife and son and frustrate the crap out of them because I'm such a vidiot!!


I have been reading to my son on my days off before he goes to bed but other than that I do not read a whole lot!!


I have always looked up to my dad as my hero. He is such a good guy and I just wish I could see him more often!!

My Blog

7 Random Things About Me!

Tagged by Scott1. I can't stand when people chew with there mouths open or smack there lips.2. I still love the Miami Dolphins after all these losing years.3. I'm related to Francis Scott Key who wrot...
Posted by D Low on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 02:19:00 PST