A goldbricker is someone who spends his time doing nothing!
22nd June 2008: Finally I have managed to master the collaboration track - named Good Feelin Oh Clancy - that myself Roma (additional beats and piano) and JamesPhoney (vocals) did. I really like the track and would love to do more of the same if only time would permit. Enjoy, and let me know what you think - thanks!
17th March 2008: NEW SONG! 'My Dead Pet Hamster Blues'. It's a very early tune of mine. A silly but enjoyable one!
15th December 2008: Please check out my 'new' blog. I will be putting the tracks in the current blog over, one day at a time. Music, art, photography and other creative bit and bobs... BLOG HERE
04th December 2007: I want to record some new tracks, I want to put up some new tracks and soon I will, I hope. Time goes so fast when you need the time to do things you wanna do.
12th October 2007: Jeez time goes fast! Sorry for being so slack. I have been up to stuff and I hope to find time to upload some more material and record some new tracks soon.
A few months back I collaborated with the very talented Roma (additional beats and piano) and JamesPhoney (vocals) giving the demo version of Good Feelin' a make over. You lucky people are able to listen to it on JamesPhoney's great free download ep 'unloved', go to his page and click the link!
24th July 2007: I've not made any changes to the songs for a while as I think the 4 up there are a good sample. I have got some more guitar based tracks in my head and strum them daily but I am currently without the tools to put any tracks down. However there are a couple of projects in the pipeline which I am very excited about, so stay tuned!
The talented Thaneeya has been kind enough to let me use one of her very groovy pieces of art work as a background for the equally groovy old man. Thanks!
22nd May 2007: So Scrapbook pt1 has been taken off in favor of a track called ' Time To MySelf '. I created the track back in 2003 and it was one of the first created on my PC. It remains one of my most favorite tracks, so I hope you also like it. It's good to have a listen using your headphones and - if this is your thing - to be a little stoned! Enjoy.
27th February 2007: I've taken off the demo version of Good Feelin'! I have replaced it with a song called " Ending " due to the fact from the beginning of the song it sounds like it is ending. This is the end part of the my first cut of "Moving On". As I mentioned before (23rd Jan) I was able to use the end of it to create another tune, well this is the tune!
30th January 2007: I've added a demo version of Good Feelin' . I quite like the stripped down version. It features my drum machine and two guitar tracks. One finishes before the other which was a mistake on my part, but I actually really like the sound of the first guitar heading down whilst the other guitar continues for one more round. Have a listen and let me know what you think. Also if you think you could add lyrics / vocals / anything to it get in touch with me.
23rd January 2007: Add a new song - Moving On . It's a guitary tune that builds up with and increasingly strong drum line. This is the second version I recorded as the first one I had put the drum machine too fast and it was more just to record it so I didn't forget. I like bits of the first version more, but overall this one has a better structure to it. However the first take was not all bad as I was able to create a track from the final minutes and a half of the song.
Directions To Happiness artwork also added.
16th January 2007: Added a new song - Scrapbook pt 1 - hope you like it!
05th January 2007: Happy New Year!
22nd December 2006: Thought I should wish my five - yes count'em - 5 friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
21st December 2006: Finally managed to get two song on to the profile. Will maybe add some pics soon.