HALKA profile picture


About Me

16 year-old singer from JAPAN. She has been singing since
very young and has trained herself to sing in English, German and Chinese.
She has won prizes in various music competitions within and out of Japan.
Debued in "One World Healing Concert 2008" which was held on 27th June,
where she collaborated with Daniel Kobialka, who is another artist of
Comfort and a world-renowned violin virtuoso and artist from the U.S.,
at the concert.
Her 1st mini album,"Beautiful World -like you always hoped for" was released
on July 31st, 2008. On Sept 30th, HALKA's 1st full album was presented
to the whole world which includes 5 pieces of the world-famous songs such as
"When You Wish Upon A Star" sung in English and also 4 pieces of our
composer/producer; MARTH's universal music which goes beyond any boundaries
of the time and the place.
We wish her pure and innocent voice will heal the whole world.
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2008年6月27日・29日に開催された、ダニエル・ コビアルカの来日コンサート
「One World Healing Concert 2008」において発表されたMARTHの新曲
「美しき世界へ Beautiful World ~Like you always hoped for~」
のシンガーの1人に抜擢され、ミニアルバム リリースが決定する。
名曲5曲のEnglish version、時代や国境を越えた普遍のサウンド
としてつくり上げられたMARTHの楽曲4曲を歌い 上げた
そのハートフルピュアヴォイスが世界中を癒 す…。
7月31日 New Release
美しき世界へ Beautiful World  ~Like you always hoped for~
CMHA-0001 ¥1,500(taxin)
HALKA ファーストアルバム「Wish」好評発売中!

My Interests


Member Since: 23/06/2008
Band Website: http://www.spring-song.com
Band Members:

HALKA's 1st album "WISH" is now available from CDBaby.

CD price: US$16.95 MP3 price: US$14.95
Sounds Like: Amazing Grace HALKA

Record Label: Comfort
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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