Myspace Layouts at / Blue clouds
Myspace Layouts at / Blue clouds
books, poetry, novels, music, dancing, fashion, design, writing, films, travelling! languages .. width="425" height="350" ..
bach's cello suites, elgar cello concerto, portishead, the flaming lips, sigur rós, mogwai, the dirty trhee, low, múm, mono, cat power, feist, kronos quartet, cocorosie, regina spektor, Zbigniew Preisner, the choral, cibo matto, pj harvey, fionna apple, tori amos, Tosca Tango Orchestra, cocteau twins, godspeed you black emperor, explosions in the sky, the kings of convenience, the whitest boy alive, erlend oye, louise attaque, pulp, jarvis cocker, movus, the seamus, bright eyes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, iron and wine, intrpol, beck, yann tiersen, chambao, ojos de brujo, camarón de la isla, la susi, niña pastori -a veces-, gritos de guerra, modest mouse, massive attack, bel canto, seascapes of the interior, ratatat, the decemberists, the clientel, camera oscura, xiu xiu, married monk, the oslo project, emir kusturica's composer, dominique a, kid loco, lali puna, lhasa, most of green ufo's bands, a perfect circle, tool, björk, air, kings of conveniece, asobi seksu, peaches, girltalk, calexico, IMS, carla bruni, dead can dance, Efterklang, boards of canada, zero 7, the third eye foundation, say hi to your mom, the pipettes están divertidas jeje, el columpio asesino, clap your hands and say yeah, dead cab for cutie, masha qrella, broken social scene, moloko, kula shaker, bobby baby, belle and sebastian,isobel campbell, the album leaf,the arcade fire, of montreal!, M.I.A., andrew bird siento que lo amo! jj72, the magic numbers, sparkle horse, goldfrapp, charlotte gainsbourg, suzanne vega jó hay tanta música!!!
most of: Kusturica, greenaway, lars von trier, fellini, kieslowski, angelopuolos, jean jeunet, aronofski, waking life, europa, fantastic planet, barhaka, powaquatsi, naquoyquatsim, koyanasquatsi, lost of sexual innocence, fear n' loathing in las vegas, tarnation, allegro me faltan muchas...
no la veo! no dudo que algo hay que vale la pena, pero no lo sé.
rayuela -no me importa lo que piensen, ja ja-, le petit prince, l'étranger, el túnel, démian, siddharta, el aleph, los pasos perdidos, diario de una desintoxicación, la chute, l'insoutenable legerté de l'être, le livre du rire et de l'oublie, l'amant, devocionario, mucho de la poesía cubana contemporánea, más de cortázar y borges, claro, summa de Maqroll el gaviero, ensayo sobre la ceguera -no estuvo tan mal-, nietzche -ha sido importante-, más...