Breeze Vintage profile picture

Breeze Vintage

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

'Retired' lawyer Ali King, now running my vintage fashion business, Breeze Vintage. Find me on eBay at Breeze Vintage.
Breeze Vintage offers gorgeous one-off vintage pieces and luxury brands, as well as our in-house label "Breeze Vintage Originals", comprising the most glamorous 70's style crochet one-piece swimsuits you will EVER see. Check out my slideshow for a sneak peek!
Breeze Vintage loves 80's Bali chic, batik goddess dresses, vintage dirndls, Italian 70's boots in bright coloured leather, loud 70's sundresses worn with plenty of skin, floor skimming maxi dresses, 60's Pucci dresses and anything yellow!
This week at Breeze Vintage it is officially Velvet Week - check out some of the lush offerings instore now, including the prettiest 60s ruby-red smock, the sensational long silver velvet coat and the totally exotic floral velvet cheong sam for the best Autumn statement pieces around!
Breeze Vintage is profiled in the June edition of every fashion victim's favourite mag, Shop Till You Drop. Take a peek!
We were also recently featured on A Current Affair , offering tips for people wanting to make the transition from 9-5 to eBay.
We also infiltrated your living room not long ago via an interview with Today Tonight , talking about what's involved in starting an eBay business and my vast, even tediously vast, enthusiasm for vintage.
Click here , to see other Breeze Vintage media appearances....
As an eBay Education Specialist, I run a second business, Breeze Solutions, that offers workshops and consultancy services to help individuals and businesses create and optimise their eBay selling.
So visit my Store , and if you like what you see, email me about working with you to set up your own professional selling platform on eBay. Don't worry if you're not in Brisbane, or even in Australia - we can work together via email to build you the perfect business!
Click here to see what my eBay training & consultancy clients say about Breeze Solutions eBay training....
See these current vintage items and more instore now at Breeze Vintage!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Fashion victims all over the world... especially vintage lovers. Nobody else knows the feeling!

Other eBay people, especially trainers and Education Specialists. Hey, even if you have a quick question about buying or selling on the sometimes overwhelming beast that is eBay, I'd love to help. Just visit my Store or website to email me.

My Blog

To the max(i)!

I really don't care that this is possible the lamest blog title in the history of blogdom - I'm so excited about my maxidress collection that Really Crap Catchphrases just feel so damn right!A new one...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 05:44:00 GMT

Breeze Vintage on the small screen!

Oh my goodness! Breeze Vintage will be on your TV tomorrow evening (Tuesday) on A Current Affair from 6.30pm, talking about vintage delights, eBay businesses and everything in between. We a...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 20:57:00 GMT


What month is it again?... If you're a fan of beer and bavarian blouses, the answer is probably "Pre-tober". Yep, it's officially dirndl season. Although for the past little while it has seemed like e...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 06:41:00 GMT

70s style crochet swimsuits for Spring!

OK people, now's the time to be letting me know if you want to pre-order any of my crochet swimsuits for summertime in the Great Southern Land... and although I don't have pics yet, I'll also be offer...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 21:42:00 GMT

This ones a keeper!

A sneak peek at some frocks you won't be finding in my Store - if you've ever wondered about the gems vintage sellers keep for themselves, here's a selection from the Enormous Vintage Shipment of 2007...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 03:31:00 GMT

Vintage makes winged monkeys of us all...

Here's a story about my weekend: On Saturday I got into a brawl with a crazy (and I mean certifiable) woman who runs a vintage shop near where I live.The shop has all these really full-on signs saying...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 05:29:00 GMT

Vintage overload...

Oh dear.Oh dear... it has taken me a long time to post this, hasn't it?The thing is, my entire (not very large) flat is filled with hundreds and hundreds of kilos of vintage dresse s and boots, and I h...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 15:45:00 GMT

The Hundred Acre Wood - and other issues...

Now, I have a question.What, exactly, is the go with all the 99-year old vintage-istas on MySpace? Is there some kind of feeling that you cant have credibility in the vintage world after 30? Because, ...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 05:20:00 GMT

Blogs that are not blogs... and blogs that are!

I am determined that my blogs are really going to be blogs. A bit of commercial blogging, of "Check out my new auctions!", of showing off especially special vintage goodies, is fine - we are all here ...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 05:13:00 GMT

Vintage heels to die for at Breeze Vintage

Take note, shoelovers! Here we have just a very small selection of the veritable delicatessen of top flight vintage heels currently available for your viewing pleasure at Breeze Vintage...Breeze Vinta...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 07:24:00 GMT