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About Me

This isn't my life, it's my space...

On the Calendar

Open roads...
Spending some time at the base of beauty.
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I've lived in L.A., Chicago, all over Texas, Mexico, and too many places in between. I'm now on the west coast, and will be for the next few months. Updates to follow. Hopefully I'll get some time to write (thank you all for the words of encouragement). Other than that, I play hard, and live by a simple code:
'Don't be sketchy and we'll be cool.'
My day job is as an engineer, but I’ve been producing bands, as well as doing studio work nights and weekends, for the last ten years. I can tell you a lot has changed from the days of tape to the computers and disk systems that capture tracks these days. My latest project is L0stD0g; a loose collaboration of musicians in the mid-Michigan area. Other projects have included Human Wave Attack, Just Jill, and The Choirboys.
During my downtime I play here on MySpace, as well as playing on the lake. In the fall I enjoy long drives, and during the winter I'm skiing as often as I can.

My Interests

Member Since:
August 9th, 2006

My interests include water sports in the summer, and playing in the snow in the winter. I like taking long drives, late nights with friends, and living my life one day at a time.

I also enjoy talking to my friends, drinking iced coffee, a good read, quiet evenings, playing pool or darts at the local pub, photography, open mike night (the drinks are free), and spending evenings outdoors.

I'd like to meet:

You know who you are...

Sin, like a Dark Angel

Burn - Alkaline Trio

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Collide - Razor Sharp
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'The Sound Of Her Voice' -by R. Spears

Everyday started with the sound of her voice. That familiar good morning, that effervescent laugh. It made him smile, and in some ways, gave him purpose. It had been a long time since he smelled the scent of beautiful; she was the embodiment of it.

She waited for his voice, his words comforted her, and he had become someone she could lean on. He was that person who stood with her no matter the odds; or the outcome. He was her foundation and strength, something that for years she had been without. And it was in the early hours of the day that she hungered for his voice, it was in these moments that she felt safe, and treasured.

They looked at each other and laughed. What should have taken 30 minutes, took over 3 hours. But then again, they used a very unconventional way of painting the wall. First it was a hand print followed by bottom of the palm with finger tip dots to look like children's foot steps. Then they decided to use their own feet, and in order to get the footsteps high enough he put her on his shoulders. When she got down she slipped from the paint on her feet, and as she grabbed him, the paint from her hand got on his ear. So, he pressed his ear to the wall. Not to be outdone, she smeared paint on her lips and kissed the wall. And well things got crazy from that point on. Images of bellies, breasts, ass cheeks, entire legs, and what looked to be a back with arms wrapped across it now littered the wall. Some images were easy to recognize, others were a blur of color against an eggshell background. About the only thing not covered in paint were the roller and paint brush they bought for the task, and this was the cause of all the laughter. In that instant, as if reading each other's mind, they both raced for the bathroom, diving over each other to see who could make it in to the shower first. Had a referee been there, he would have probably ruled in her favor. The trip from behind, though innocent and playful, was deliberate – and enough to make her lose balance so that she ended up in the sink, and not the shower. He smirked as he grabbed for the hot water handle – so did she, as she put her hand on the cold water tap on the sink. "Two can play at that game." was her retort. "Hey, there's enough room in here for two." He replied. "Anyway, someone has to wash your back." She stepped in to the shower, and as the water poured over them both, the floor became an earthen chocolate color, punctuated with sounds of laughter, and an occasional gasp.

'my girl...' -by R. Spears

it's tangible pain
over the miles
a healing hand
a friend's friend
a tear
wishing on the same star
minutes turn to hours
laughter into rain
the Dark Angel smiles
in to her heart
giving his gift
soulmates in twilight
these have been
similar roads

so we walk
hearing the footsteps
and the leaves in the wind
echo's ring her name
as she curses his
they both laugh in that instant
over the miles
the Dark Angel whispers
and she hears his call

Some of the most beautiful erotic art I've seen...

Courtesy of Samarel and

My other love is photography. Over the years I've used every media and medium available; from 35mm film to professional grade digital systems. I've recently moved back to b/w film and my Canon SLR; I just love the feel and textures you get, and all the great effects you can obtain with nothing more than light. I’m getting back to the basics, so to speak.

Castings by a local Michigan artist

This was shot in 2005. New sets are now available.

' Middle America' © 2006 Robert Spears
' Mountain Views' © 2007 Robert Spears
' Snow Caps' © 2008 Robert Spears

Welcome to Hockeytown.

From time to time I'll feel strongly about something; it could be politics, world events, or even something that may or may not have made headlines. Here is the place for some of my opinions:

Jon Stewart for President of the United States.

The Team

The Hitmen... Tek Jansen

and AeonFlux

Those who tempt

Sasha Grey

Aimee Sweet

Amber Nichole

Shay LaRen



The Guys

Ken - l0std0g
Dan - Zeppo
Chris - Blues Man

Jeremy - ihedonic
Justen - Suffering

Hal - FanFest Pirate
Corey - cnote
Jesse Slayter

Buddy Christ

Yeah, Kevin Smith got it right...


Drowning Pool,
Marilyn Manson (you rock),
NIN (of course),
Rob Zombie,
...anything that's fast, hard, and dark.


Playing God,
The Transporter,
Kevin Smith rocks!!! Taking back the "Porch Monkey".


Sci Fi,
Comedy Central,


John Ringo,
William Gibson,
Anne Rice,
and everything King.

The Harvest Moon

The Descent


82nd ABN - Ft. Bragg
The Red Devils of the 1-504th

Thanks Boys!!!
Great Quotes 'It had been a long time since he smelled the scent of beautiful.' - Riddick
'You don't choose who you love, it chooses you.' - Nip/Tuck
'Regret nothing - for at one time it made you happy.' - Jennifer
'You have plucked the pebble from the master's hand.' - Ken, aka d0g
'Right now, there is a fairytale ending somewhere...' - Anonymous
'I'm addicted to placebos. I'd quit, but it wouldn't matter.' - Steven Wright
'You deserve it.' - Kerry
'Relax bitches, it's just mySpace.' - Elaine
What Kind of Vampire Angel Are You?
Jayde, Angel of Immortality
Jayde, mistress of Dusk Red, walked through the Nether Realm fearlessly. The gift of seduction and vampirism combined kept her will alive, while mortal light could have devastated her.
What Kind of Drink is your Sex Life?
Your sex life mostly resembles a Margarita – You are passionate and imaginative and you have a very spontaneous sex life. You are likely to do (or have done to you) a lot of things on a whim.
Suicide Girls
Just when you thought is was safe to play with bad girls...
How pure are you?
You are 16% pure!
You've been a very bad boy...
And you probably enjoyed every minute of it.

Test Cafe - Come, Test, Enjoy!
IQ = 152!
A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 144-160 is considered to be gifted.
What they don't tell you is what you're gifted at...
- WINK!!!

Current Sex Level

What's your disorder?
Just when I thought it was safe to stop taking my meds.
What deadly sin are you?
A sexual desire in and of itself, an erotic arousal and wish, or intense physical or sexual attraction or craving. In this sense, it is considered as one of the seven deadly sins.
Rate your passion
You are both a sensitive and sensual lover. Warm and deep, you are tuned into the needs of your lover. Verbal foreplay is crucial to you. Words can make or break your mood, and for you sex is a 24 hour a day thing - you can't separate it from love.
Your Love Life Secrets Are
Looking back on your life, you will have a few true loves. Although you may have been hurt before, you tend to bring very little scars into new relationships. You expect a lot from your lover - you want the full package. You tend to be very picky. In fights, you are able to walk away and calm down. You are able to weather the storm, getting over a break-up doesn't take long. Easy come, easy go seems to be your motto.
What color is your heart
You scored as Pink. Your heart is pink. You're everyone's friend. Woo go you! Everyone loooves you!! You're the definition of a true friend, which is why you mean so much to your friends. You will do anything to see your friends smile, you have a great quality - you don't change for anybody.


















The Champs
'36, '37, '43, '50, '52, '54, '55,
'97, '98, '02, and '08

'35, '45, '68, and '84
Sex IQYour sexual IQ is 160
When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.

My Blog

worth fighting for ...

There is a war with my name on it, looming in the distance. Battles that will test my soul and change my future as certain as it has shaped my past. The rivers of passion and streams of pain, etch my ...
Posted by Robert on Mon, 05 May 2008 05:26:00 PST

When Words Matter

When Words Mattershadows runthe blues and the redsedges bluras passion singsbreath and movementas neon chimes nineone less namewhile chilled embers diecrossroads camelike the branches of timeflesh in ...
Posted by Robert on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 09:48:00 PST

One paragraph, says it all

  she isn't my girlfriend.   but i love her hugs, her smile, her advice, her kindness.   i love the times we laugh together.   i guess i fell in love with; &nbs...
Posted by Robert on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 03:59:00 PST


A couple of years ago a friend of mine got me addicted to Starbucks (thank you!!).  It's been a mutual affair of they take my money, and I get my current drug of choice: caffine.  As most of...
Posted by Robert on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 08:02:00 PST

Say it aint so, G.I. Joe.

As taken from the AP wire:Say it ain't so, G.I. Joe. The popular all-American comic-book military man and action figure dating back to the 1940s is undergoing a significant transformation for the Par...
Posted by Robert on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 02:17:00 PST

Cex Cells

________________________We are all still the same dearI have owned this life forever I'll always Remain If it's just the same dearWhy have you left before 'forever' Yet returned Again If you show me...
Posted by Robert on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 07:01:00 PST

Evil Words & Love Lost

Telling Layla's story spoken, about how all her bones are broken Hammers fall on all the pieces, two months in the cover creases Fully alive more than most, ready to smile and love life Fully alive a...
Posted by Robert on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 08:22:00 PST

Souls Dream

Light fades, and the sky burns bright The river moans, whispering secrets to those nearby He walks a path, untested untamed As night descends, his souls are welcomed home Hidden shadows, resonate his...
Posted by Robert on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 05:56:00 PST

Dark Angel

To the one who tempts...Dark Angelno one knows, no one ever will.  we catch glimpses, a window or a door, a phrase that rings true.  but really, those demons we hold close, those are all we ...
Posted by Robert on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 12:59:00 PST

Middle America

Middle AmericaThis photoshoot was done October 24th, 2006 in Michigan during the height of the change of colors.  These pics are low res images captured with digital camera.  High quality im...
Posted by Robert on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 12:30:00 PST