I have so many to name. Lets see. 1. Completing my college education to become a Televison News Reporter. 2. I love to work out I am like a work out junkie I can work out 6 times a week at Champion Sports . 3. I love to travel seeing new places that I have never seen before. 5 Did I mention Karaoke because I love 2 sing my heart out baby! Just as if I were to appear on American Idol! .. Get Your Own Countdown Generator at Blinkyou.com
Tom Brokaw, Katie Couric, Jake Gyllenhaal, Reese Witherspoon, Whitney Houston, Maria Shriver. I would like to learn from the best News Reporters and singers. They have been my idols for years and I would love to be a famous News Reporter or Singer just like them.
Selena, Made in Manhattan,Walk the Line, JarHead b/c Jake Gyllenhall iz tha bomb diggity., Sweet Home Alabama, Jersey Girl, and Zoolander just to name a few.
That 70's Show. Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, The News on Channel 2. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Late Night With Conan O'Brian, Top Chef.
I like to read books about Comanches and Osages I want to know the History of my tribes I feel thats very important and I am also a political nut I am reading Barack O Bamas book. I also like to read my Communications books 2 I think learning about how media works and different types of communication is very important. object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="1" width="1" data="http://www.../.." ..
my Dad the late Emmett Clyne "Spike" Kelley Jr., my mother Margrett Oberly Kelley, cousin Johnny Oberly, my uncle Dr. George Shimoon, and my Great Aunt Emmmabelle who is 92. All of them are heroes because they have been my rolemodels since I was a small child.