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About Me

エレキギターとアコースティックギター、声 、
息、ポエムリーディング、絵本、お絵かきに おしゃべり。
柔らかく伸び縮みするようなゆるやかな空間 、
Since 2008
Coupie is a unit by yukki and Cobi.
electric guitar and acoustic guitar,voice,bleath,leading,
picture book,drawing and chat.
soft and flexible ambience, nonverbal dialogue between yukki and Cobi.
"yukki" - electric, classical guitar, sound tube, voice, effect ,,etc
yukki's blog "yukki FOOTMARKS"
other project "yukki works (MySpace)"
宮城県石巻市在住。瓦職人の家に生まれ家業 と循環型農の勉強と
アーティスト活動を平行して行う。百姓にあ こがれて日々精進中。
究極的な自然の音を探求してコンテンポラリ ーダンスや、絵画、
詩人とさまざまなアーティストとコラボレー トしている。
Living in Ishinomaki,He was born in traditional roofing tile mason family,
He works as a mason apprentice and
studies sustainable Agriculture and as artist.
As his conception of "ultimate sounds of nature" ,
he collaborates with various artist as contemporary dancers,drawing
artist,poetryartist,and more.
"Cobi" - acoustic guitar
宮城県仙台市在住。英国にて音楽活動を開始 。
帰国後、アーティストとしての活動と平行し ながら表具職人として修行を積み、
Living in Sendai,he started his music activity in UK.
After coming back to Japan,not only as an artist but also
he receives traing and works as picture framer,
and he is now planning the design of Japanese living loom for next generation.
La Melodioj de la Orientonordo
DES036/ ryoondo-tea
Over Flow pH:2.0/V.A
DES035/ ryoondo-tea
涼音堂茶舗 インストアライブ 青山ブックセンター本店
ryoondo-tea in store live @ Aoyama Book Center
artist: plot, Firo, Coupie
Video work:TOKYO SYOKUDO(matsu)

My Interests


Member Since: 26/05/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: yukki (electric and classical guitar, voice, sound tube, effect,and more)

Cobi(acoustic guitar,sing)
Record Label: 涼音堂茶舗 ryoondo-tea
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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