Shino K. evercolor   加藤紫乃 profile picture

Shino K. evercolor   加藤紫乃

About Me

*** Shino K. ***
May 28th Born in Yokohama, Japan. She began taking classical piano lessons as a child, and played percussions in the orchestra of the high school. She went to the popular music school while going to music collage. However, she felt a limit and has quit music after the graduation, and became an actress. Several years later, she returned to music world by got work of the songwriting accidentally. Now she write songs for Azumi Inoue, many other singers and kindergardens.
"evercolor" is the project by Shino. "evercolor" staged the drama joined to live in the past. The recent performance is acoustic live. All musics and lyrics by Shino K.
5月28日横浜生まれ。大学在学中に専門学校で 編曲を学ぶ。限界を感じ卒業後は役者に。数 年後、アイドルグループの作詞作曲の仕事を 偶然得たのを機に復帰。井上あずみ他アーチ スト、幼稚園などに楽曲提供。ナレーターと しても活動。
evercolorのプロジェクトとしては二人芝居とラ イブの合体した舞台を過去に行った。最近は アコースティックライブを不定期に行ってい る。
Shino Kato's official web site
9 of 17 songs
follow shino_evercolor at

My Interests


Member Since: 18/05/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Shino K.

Yoko Eguchi
江口陽子 (Flauto traverso)

Masae Takahashi
高橋雅枝 (Piano)

past members:
Hiroko Ueda(Actress)
Non-calory(Acoustic Guiter Duo)

Sounds Like: Healing song fraught with poison
Record Label: evercolor
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

At the organic cafe

I ate dinner with Saji-kun in the organic cafe and restaurant near my apartment.He and I love Galaxy Express 999."If the movie is shooted in live-action, the actress of Queen Prometheum is Shima Iwash...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Dec 2009 16:21:00 GMT

My song...???

The song that I had heard somewhere was televised "minna no uta" NHK.What is this song?Oh, this is a food education song "kazoku minnade oishii gohan" that I wrote!What's?Who sings?Lyrics are a little...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Dec 2009 17:34:00 GMT


I went to the movie theater after a long time.I was able to be seen from the start though arrived five minutes before the movie started because Midori has reserved the tickets.Thanks Mido-chan!Michael...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Nov 2009 01:46:00 GMT

Microwave oven broke.

Usually, the power supply turns on when the door of my microwave oven is opened.However, it didn't work.What?!I replaced the plug in another outlet. However, it didn't work.It is only a mere box.Some ...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Nov 2009 22:59:00 GMT


"Attention. This car goes behind. Attention..."I awoke by the voice of the garbage truck.I escaped from the nightmare that first reharsal of concert is that day of the concert, the member started the ...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Nov 2009 17:41:00 GMT

Flier postcard

Flier postcards of next LIVE was delivered this morning.I got these 1 week earlier, I don't know why.Anyway, I'm luckyj
Posted by on Thu, 05 Nov 2009 17:49:00 GMT

Title of movie

The answer is"What ever happened to Baby Jane"This is a psychology horror movie.
Posted by on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 14:57:00 GMT

Yesterday's blog

I think that the person who liked movie sees the title and understood at once.The title of yesterday's blog is parodying of the title of an old American movie.Well, what is the title of the movie?
Posted by on Mon, 02 Nov 2009 18:56:00 GMT

What ever happened to my Spoon

This is my favorite cutlery.But...What is this!?I thought the yellow part was screwed.This was not a screw.
Posted by on Sun, 01 Nov 2009 18:20:00 GMT

Revealing the trick of this blog of several days

I arrived by this airplane.No, it is a lie.Mickey and Minnie on that gondola.New York Style Deli.The scent of the spice is the scent of curry, there is no couscous in the Arabian restaurant but curry ...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Oct 2009 17:55:00 GMT