I'm just Klubo;) profile picture

I'm just Klubo;)

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Welcome to my end of myspace! Klubo is my name:)). I LOVE MY NAME. The reason I'm on myspace is to meet and make new friends, and to catch up and stay in touch with old ones. I love to travel and get in my car and just drive. It makes me feel free and happy. Hey, LIFE IS GOOD!!! Bodybuilding, MUSCLES, the gym, the iron, lil spandex suits so small you can ball up in one hand, promoting fitness, supplements, living a healthy lifestyle and anything else health related or physically challenging makes me free and happy. Free and able to do what I want, where I want, and when I want. Those of you who have a passion for anything, know how I feel. I invite you to share with me your passion(s). What makes YOU happy???? I'm very pleased and thankful for all the people in my life, and I love to discuss the Laws of Attraction. Did I mention I like to feel free and happy....***** If I haven't yet excepted your friends request it IS because I'm waiting on a message from you***** Oh yeah, so I'm training for the P.F. Chang's Phoenix Marathon. I'm doing the half:), so I'm switching from figure for a lil while. Any suggestions or advise, I'll be happy to except. Thanks
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Others involved in the sports, bodybuiding, fitness, wellness, health promotion and modeling industry. Also those with a POSITIVE vibe.

My Blog

PROGRESS PICS/ARNOLD AMATEUR - Feb 28, 2008 Prejudging

Hello All, As you all know I'm getting ready for one of the biggest competitions so far in my Figure career, the Arnold Amateur in Columbus, Ohio. I have been tracking my progress from the summer and ...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 22:57:00 GMT