My name is Adam Albro.
I have always, always hated when people ask me to describe myself in a few sentences or paragraphs.
I have always been under the impression that a person is far to complex to be explained away in a box on a page of the internet.
that being said:
I am color blind, and because of that, i never understood why everyone thinks sunsets are so beautiful.
My eyes change color from brown to hazel to green on a daily, if not hourly, basis
I read constantly, if i am not reading, i am writing, and i hope to be an author one day.
I am captain of the debate team at Juan Diego Catholic High School,
But i am not, under any circumstances, Catholic.
I think it's impossible to ever really know anything for sure, and if you ever do, or even come close, you are very lucky.
I often contradict myself.
I never contradict myself.
I am who I am, and i will not eat green eggs and ham.
Mostly because i am a vegetarian.