I am Sara from Sara's Animal Sanctuary. I am looking forward to meeting others that care about mother earth and all of its animals. Sara's Animal Sanctuary is a small Not for Profit NO KILL animal sanctuary. Right now the sanctuary is being run out of our home. Currently we are working on raising money to buy a large chunk of land for all the wonderful critters. Sara's Animal Sanctuary takes in all animals that our facility can handle. We also adopt out animals that are a good candidate for homes. If a animal can not be adopted out because of health or temperament they will live out the rest of their life with us at the Sanctuary. If you are looking to adopt or know of any animals that need a second chance or need to be rescued please contact: [email protected] let us know what you think. Feedback would be a great way to let us know what to improve. You may also put any of our links on your pages.Our Sanctuary currently has room for birds and small companion animal. We also have one stall for farm animal. If you know of or have other animals that need help we will work to find foster homes and we will re-post on our site with contact info. Please feel free to write!Thank you, Sara's Animal Sanctuarywww.thesarasanimalsanctuary.com
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