Alright folks, new song called "My Love". Its a little hip-hop, a little pop, a little electronica, a little funk, a little jazz, and 100% Cren Ltd. Breezy says its "Futuristic" and i kinda like that idea, did I just make a new genre of music? Only time will tell! Comments people, I need yo feedback! BTW!!! follow me on Twitter!
More new music! Two new more hip-hop-ish songs. The Girl I Never Knew which, when i get a microphone, will feature Breezy on the Beat , and my boy Zach Attack. Then we got Replay (ATP's Smooth Edit). Replay was a song me and Breezy made in the course of one night for about 3 hours. The next night I had nothing to do and he was out so I redid the song in my own way from memory. So mine wound up being a smoother R&B style and his was more hip-hop. Check it out and let me know what you think!
SO! New music is here! First up we got my newest song called "When the Sun Comes Out" which is def gonna be a 1 Hit, no doubt. Most of the feedback i have gotten says that song really kicks it up a notch at 1:42 so listen to it loud then. Two remixes of Kevin Rudolf's "Let It Rock" are up. One is the club mix which i think is the better of the two. But they are both good none the less. Then we got "Chicka" which im on the fence about. Let me know whats up and if you like it! Peace!
Alright everyone, we got some good stuff up now. If you are wondering about "Sex Mode" its a funny story, I have a class called the Philosophy and Science of Sex and Love and we came up with the term "Sex Mode." I thought this would be a good name for an awesome 80's hair band. So i proceeded to make a song called "Sex Mode" and, let me say, it ROCKS!
So yeah, and we got two new songs out as well, one called "Darkness Rising" which will most likely be the intro track to my next album. My buddy Breezy on the Beat helped me out with that one. Then we got "Islands of the Sun" which is one of my best songs I think. The intro to it is me just playing around on my keyboard and i recorded it by accident, so then i just threw it into the song and I think it sounds good. I love the acid line, its so catchy. I hope you all like it. -DJ ATP
Hey all, new song called Talk Back. Check it out, its a new direction for me. Im not sure if im going to pursue it anymore but it was a little experiment that actually turned out ok. -DJ ATP
I dont stop do I? Well I finished the Whats on Tonight album and I moved on to a new album called Music Therapy. On it is my newest song "Stuck in Time." I wrote it when I was stuck at a fife competition for about 12 hours and all I had was my laptop and my psychology essay. At least there was a power source and headphones. So here it is! It takes a minute to get into the song so dont judge by the first minute. I used a lot of LP Filtering in it to get the sound i wanted; that is the changing pitch of the noise thought the piece. It was fun. I also did another piece but its not as good as this one. The other one is called "Light from Jupiter." It has a very dark organ sound in it with a bouncing bass and ethnic percussion. I need help though, i dont have an idea for an album cover. Help me out people! Thanks again and love you all -DJ ATP
Fresh! "Spaceship to Your Heart" is the newest song to be added to the album Whats on Tonight. It is about a special someone in my life. Enjoy it! -DJ ATP
Now we got 3 songs from the new album "Whats on Tonight": Its like a Felling, Groove Market, and Cren's D&B. Hope you like it. -DJ ATP
Here we go! "Its Like a Feeling" is the first song to be uploaded from the new album "What's on Tonight."
Hope y'all like it. More to come! -DJ ATP
Cren Ltd is proud to announce their new album "Whats on Tonight" is in its final stages and will be completed within the coming months.
This album is a little different then "Long..." in that it is a more electronica approach. It utilizes all aspects of Storm 2.0 in terms of modules and synthesizers.
Check back soon for the new songs!
A heart pumping trance group from small town new york
Cren Ltd. utilizes the fullest extent of Arturia Storm 2.0
Check it out!
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