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About Me

福岡、博多在住。 遠き西の地より東に睨みを効かせる自称“BRE LOの用心棒” 愛すべきモンは家族、友、猫、音楽、宴。 生まれ年の車に乗り、流す曲はパンクやロッ ク。 こう見えて意外とフレンドリー。                                                                                                                                                                    I am brelo's madcrew and bodyguard. fukuoka-hakata living.they say-「fuck'n jap!!」haha! love is family-friend-cats-music-feast. it takes the car of the birth age. it punk and rock to the thrown music. they said all you punks back to the street all you skinheads walk the beat wondering who you are sitting in the park I think you know you're just a jerk If take home anything let it be your will to think If you want to sport your fashion Cut the crap,wear them with passion See my shining Doc-Martens wore my feet down just to get them so you're got some great rare records your friends all come but your gigs are weird Know the jackets colors but not the song's name nothing to say but you feel no shame 

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