XISIX is elektro-chemical acid ragga bass + drum for adventurous spirits. XISIX is whirlwind shrapnel tour de force for your head/heart + BOOTY. XISIX is a glitch in the robot machine drone society program. Rebel vibrations.XISIX is pure gangsta blipkore beauty versus Decay. Burning brighter than supernovas. XISIX is hidden smiles of joy through one's trials and tribulations. XISIX is not fitting in even when you want too. XISIX is a tool to accelerate awareness + consciousness.XISIX is alsoGu ø*â +òX?ʯ W--¯éx¯)kb áùÒ?—-X2p; k«qX?‘E.-sÜÌa?à ‹ãG? üJ..G 4q?¥ûG På“kµ..òa…Û..ãmYC§??dîk ‚ €¸¿ úÃ;--S?‡?’$aè—Õ--H¶ --lùº! ÿî%4ö›VÀ3 Emanon says"XiSiX- is a sadomasochistic pedophile grand father that wants ta break into ya house at night and cut the genitals off ya new born kittens.
XiSiX- is what it is like ta go to church only the church is full if infected ravenous
Zombies that thusly will attack ya genitals and cut them off and feed them to
kittens that have had their genitals cut off with toenail clippers."
XISIX is revolution frequencies. XISIX is wastelander muzik.
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