YASHIROTECHNOS profile picture


About Me

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Because of their love for 80's music, YASHIROTECHNOS formed in 1994. Catch phrase 'nostalgic 80s'
"Oretachi-wa Denshi-da! "(We are the Electrons!) debut album was anounced in 1995.
However, the group decided to stop temporarily, while each member continues to create their own music individually.
In 2005 the group reformed, and "Kizudarake-no Denshi" (Electron full of scars) is released album.
YASHIROTECHNOS did live in the art event "Sonic Composition 2007",after an interval of 10 years.
Atsuhiko Nakatsubo a.k.a. fish tone、
Takao Chiba、
Hitoshi Miura、
独自の世界観を追求し、いわゆるLOW Bitな電子音をサンプリングする手法で、
日本のサブカルチャー雑誌や地元FMå±€ã«ã¦ç´¹ä »‹ã•ã‚Œã€
音楽業界からの注目を浴びながらも個々の活 動が活発になり、
ヤシロテクノスとしての活動を一時休止する 。
2007å¹´8月、liveイベント「sonic composition2007」において10年ぶりにそのステー㠂¸ã«ç«‹ã¡ã€
幅広い世代に好評を得ると共にかたくなに80å ¹´ä»£ã®æ¥½æ›²ã‚’愛する姿勢が同世代のリスナー㠁«å…±æ„Ÿã‚’得ている。
あくまでELECTRO POPを追求した作品を提供し続けている...。

My Interests


Member Since: 4/11/2008
Band Website: http://www.ttb-studio.com/
Band Members: イメージ表示

Atsuhiko Nakatsubo a.k.a. fish tone,

Takao Chiba,

Hitoshi Miura,


Influences: Inspired German electronic music and New wave.

Sounds Like:

'80s nostalgic electro music and techno pop.

傷だらけの電子 28-Feb-2005

TITAN-909 30-Nov-2008

Record Label: TTB studio
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

  New Release!!! "TITAN-909"

hi there.new work after an interval of nine yearsûûûit's new album "TITAN-909"please check them out!
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 18:32:00 GMT


"Further and Closer" is delivered by juno.co.uk to preview and buy the tracks copy paste link:http://www. juno. co. uk/labels/Za/download/?merchandise=yes&music=yes
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 03:44:00 GMT

  TTB studio and ZA records collaboration CD album "Further and Closer" ON SALE!

I reached this day without changing with the daily life of the usual times really.  I work commonly today in the office of the company.  The possibility that a big change happens for my dail...
Posted by on Fri, 30 May 2008 02:13:00 GMT

  TTB studio and Za records present their new compilation CD, "Further and Closer".

TTB studio from Japan and ZA Records from Greece are electronic music labels who have been brought together by their love of electronic music. 'Although Greece and Japan are very different countries w...
Posted by on Tue, 20 May 2008 00:09:00 GMT

  Further and Closer TTB Onlineshop HLzò

TTB Onlineshop g Further and Closer ’100šPšgHLzòY‹Shkjc_ Hellenicatronica hDFyxCD’dQ‹ Tracks: 1. ECOH 2nd communication mix / fish tone 2. ICBM2008 UR-100N mix / YASHIROTECHNOS 3. twist and tur...
Posted by on Sun, 18 May 2008 07:14:00 GMT

  Two weeks later

¢ëÐà Further and Closer nêêü¹LÑeDfD‹ Sn¢ëÐàn¿¤ÈëoZAn¸çü¸LH_ ®ê·ãhå,nÝâoS“jk`DQiÕ‰nó}xnXoS“jkÑD Sn¢ëÐà’zhY‹‹kB_Šþ(DDHfD‹ sWOo~_Œå&   Release of album "Further and Closer" approaches. ...
Posted by on Wed, 14 May 2008 07:45:00 GMT

  credit title

Jacket of the album was completed.  It's a very good design. Daughter's name was written in the credit title.Is she pleased?written by Taka.
Posted by on Tue, 06 May 2008 08:03:00 GMT

  ICBM 2008

The world is not peaceful. still&written by Taka.
Posted by on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 08:25:00 GMT

  new track up!!

ICBM 2008
Posted by on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 09:37:00 GMT