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numeric scream

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Numeric Screamは2009年のSUMMER SONICに出ることにしたらしい。彼らが出演で㠁ã‚‹ã‹å¦ã‹ã¯ã‚なたの投票次第なので投票し㠁¦ï¼Numeric Screamにぜんぜん清くない一票を! by バルバトス袋小路

Man's Story EP

disk UNION, BASE TOKYO, iTunes Store....
Check somewhere and get this CD!!

2009.2.4 Balbatos writing...
Hey, Auschwitz!!!!
Where is a destination of numeric scream that the MAGA-MAGA-HEY case of New Year's Day continues rolling in long ago in 2008? You should know so that you continue recording it this me well. Even you look, and you had ever seen? How second CD "MAN'S STORY" scattered to the whole country in what played GANG GREEN in Shimokitazawa turned out on woman's disguise live broadcasting of guys in Shinjuku and what did you have afterwards? But do you intend to say that all is a scenario street of guys? ?
At first, after a closet said how it turned so out from that from that, the withdrawal of the ex-drummer, Chofu, Tokyo was able to be filled with dark clouds. It is not exaggerated expression. Hear it until true story, the last. Hirata, Shimomura, the figure of Mizutani passed out of sight again. Even if there were various rumors (for example, witness information in Jindaiji and an example, death theory by the food poisoning), the rumor was poor in all reliability, but was hopeless for us. You know? Do not you show even a figure? The guys did not appear for months, but only did the feeling that seemed to have anything under and "MAN'S STORY" was sold out in a disk union surface of the water. And the feeling proved right! The beacon of the revival went up at the night of the Chofu fireworks display. I got over many trials, and numeric scream returned with a new friend! Do not understand guy new drummer Saito, a bass drum and a heaven-sent child of the alcohol, morphine perception of New Age anymore? It is new Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumeric Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem!
It began to already move in October, and new life numeric scream supported JAPAN TOUR of CONSIDER THE MEEK! If decide to do it, speedy guys! This was support of the first overseas band for numeric scream, but they seem to have concluded the hot friendship while being puzzled in the language barrier. And I went to Kyoto to celebrate the tenth anniversary of BANKROBBER on the next moon. This is Kansai tour first for numeric scream, too. I understand that something is going to begin if I watch it. First plan PEEK-A-BOO of numeric scream which began in 2009, A fat went ahead through Hirata with it more, and Shimomura ran the whole distance in Chofu citizen relay road race, and I was fast, and Saito stepped too much on a bus gong, and the right foot burnt and is infecting norovirus if I said as for Mizutani. Numerics Fuckin Never Gonna Stop!
And I continue recording it after this.
---対訳---(この記事は2009年2月4日付でバルバ トス袋小路によって書かれています)
2008年元旦のマガマガヘイ事件も今は昔、転だŒã‚Šç¶šã‘ã‚‹numeric screamの行く先は何処?記録し続けているのは この俺、そう君は良く知ってるはずだ。君だ って見たろう?新宿での奴らの女装ライブを 、下北沢でGANG GREENを演奏していたのを、全国へ散っていっ㠁Ÿã‚»ã‚«ãƒ³ãƒ‰CD『MAN'S STORY』がどうなっていったのかを、そしてそ㠁®å¾Œä½•ãŒèµ·ã“ったのかを!すべては奴らのシ㠃Šãƒªã‚ªé€šã‚Šã ã¨ã§ã‚‚言うつもりなのか!?
あれから、そうあれからどうなったかと言う とだな、前ドラマーの脱退後、まず東京調布 には暗雲が立ち込めた。大袈裟な表現じゃな い。マジな話なんだ、最後まで聞いてくれ。 平田、下村、水谷の姿は再び見えなくなった 。様々な噂(例えば深大寺での目撃情報や例 によって食中毒による死亡説だ)があったに せよその噂はどれも信憑性に乏しかったが俺 たちにはどうしようもなかった。だってそう だろ?姿すら見せないんだぜ?奴らは何ヶ月 も姿を現さなかったが、ただ、ディスクユニ オンで『MAN'S STORYã€ãŒå£²ã‚Šåˆ‡ã‚Œã¦ã„ãŸã‚Šã¨æ°´é¢ä¸‹ã§ä½•ã‹ãŒè µ·ã“ã‚Šãã†ãªäºˆæ„Ÿã¯ã—ã¦ã„ãŸã€‚ãã—ã¦ãã®äºˆæ „Ÿã¯å½“ãŸã£ãŸã¨ã„ã†ã‚ã‘ã ï¼èª¿å¸ƒèŠ±ç«å¤§ä¼šã®å ¤œã«å¾©æ´»ã®ç‹¼ç…™ã¯ä¸ŠãŒã£ãŸã€‚numeric screamは数々の試練を乗り越え新たな仲間を連 れて戻ってきたんだ!奴こそが新ドラマー齋 藤、バスドラムとアルコールの申し子、モヒ カン・オブ・ニューエイジ、もうわかってる な?ニュゥゥゥゥゥゥゥゥゥゥメリック・ス クリィィィィィィィィィム新生だ!
新生numeric screamは10月には既に動き出しCONSIDER THE MEEKのJAPAN TOURをサポートしていた!やると決めたら速だ„んだ、奴らは!これはnumeric screamにとっては初の海外バンドのサポートで あったが、言葉の壁に戸惑いつつも彼らは熱 い友情を結んだようだ。そして次の月には、 BANKROBBERの10周年を祝いに京都へ向かっていた 。こちらもnumeric screamとしては初の関西ツアーだ。何かが始ま ろうとしているのくらい見ていればわかるぜ 。2009年に始まったnumeric screamの初企画PEEK-A-BOOï¼ˆã€Œãƒ”ãƒ¼ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ–ãƒ¼ã€ã¨èª ­ã‚ï¼ï¼‰ã€ãã‚Œã¨å…±ã«å¹³ç”°ã¯æ›´ã«ãƒ•ã‚¡ãƒƒãƒˆåŒ–だŒé€²ã¿ã€ä¸‹æ‘は調布市民駅伝を完走し、齋藤だ¯ãƒã‚¹ãƒ‰ãƒ©ã‚’é€Ÿãè¸ã¿ã™ãŽã¦å³è¶³ãŒç‡ƒãˆã€æ°´è° ·ã¯ã¨ã„えばノロウイルスに感染したままなだ®ã ã€‚ニューメリックス・ネバー・ゴナ・スムˆãƒƒãƒ—!
written by バルバトス袋小路

My Interests


Member Since: 09/04/2008
Band Website:
Band Members:

numeric scream

SHIMO-M play bass ,driving many car and outdoor
YACHEAM sing, think and eating. or play guitar
JUN only drumming or drinking
TANIMIZ sometimes killed by Norovirus

------------------ flash live movie ------------------


mail: [email protected]

some photos taken by TOTTY


We love many punk bands ever

70's punk, powerpop, mods, garages, 80's hard core punk,
for example, Scream, Bad Brains, Adolescents, Gang Green...
90's melodic hard core punk,
NOFX, Descendents, Lagwagon, Bad Religion

Sounds Like:


Record Label: no
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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** PLEASE VOTE US !!!** ***** Numeric Screamo2009tnSUMMER SONICkú‹ShkW_‰WD|‰LúgM‹K&KoBj_n•h!,jng•hWfNumeric Screamk\“\“OjD h’ by ÐëÐȹ‹ï
Posted by on Fri, 19 Jun 2009 04:42:00 GMT