JabBee profile picture


About Me

â—†2002 増田GATZ(Dr&Perc)イイダアキラ(bass&pf)ã‚ ­ã‚¯ãƒã‚·ã‚²ãƒ«(vo&ag.eg) のトリオではじめる。
â—†2004 1st live album[JAB ON TIME!]peronet records
◆2005 2nd mini album[光の下] JabBee music
â—†2007 3rd compact album[room TO room] JabBee music
現在はVO&Gのキクチシゲルのソロユニット㠁¨ã—てJabBeeと名乗り、弾き語りからフルバン㠃‰ã¾ã§ãã®å ´ã«åˆã‚ã›ç·¨æˆã‚’å¤‰ãˆã€è‡ªç”±ã«ã€å ¤‰å¹»è‡ªåœ¨ã«ã€æ±äº¬éƒ½å†…を中心にあちらこちら㠁§ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ´ã‚’繰り広げている。
キクチシゲルのギターのカッティグから生ま れるリズムとその暖かくスモーキーな声で歌 われる歌がJabBee そのものであり、現在も進化を続けている。
â—†The trio of 2002 Masuda GATZ(Dr&pPerc) Akira Iida(bass&pf) shigeru Kikuchi(vo&g)begins to appear.
â—†2004 1st live album[JAB ON TIME!]peronet records
â—†2005 2nd mini album[Hikari no Shita] JabBee music
â—†2007 3rd compact album[room TO room] JabBee music
*2007 3rd compact album room TO room unfolds live here and there centering on in Tokyo introducing as the solo unit of Shigeru of VO&G as JabBee, changing the organization according to the place from playing sings with acoustic guitar to a full band it, and a free transforming freely. The song sung from Cattig of the guitar of Shigeru by ..Smoky.. Voice as it is warm ..that.. with the arising rhythm is JabBee, and it keeps evolving now.

My Interests


Member Since: 25/03/2008
Band Website: http://jabbeemusic.com
Band Members: JabBee(vo&G)masuda GATZ(Dr&Perc) akira iida(bass&keys&cho) haruhiko wada(keys) norimasa nagata(bass)and more
Influences: Curtis Mayfield/Bob Dylan/Bob Marley/Ben Harper/Jack Johnson/Donavon Frankenreiter/Kiyoshiro Imawano and more
Sounds Like: folky soul music
Record Label: JabBee music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

10/1shibuya 7th Floor

S“jnkJˆpŒWf~Y ¿¤Èë:·Öä³Í¯·çó7_an=L Vol.10 å :2008t101å(4) ‹4/‹:1900/1930 4: 77thFLOOR/03(3462)4466 ™Ñ:¥2000(2ªüÀüû¥1000%) ú:JabBee,©è±ó¸,qãv[ ¹²¹È]àŸŠK JabBeeoNN ŒgY 7‰WOìŠg>MžŠ’WˆFhD~Y...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 05:09:00 GMT


BYgYJabBee;¬nunder the moonshine‚ÊÞg13Þ~`~`100ÞO‰Do„Š_DgY9/2(tue)@ 77th Floorhttp://tpdrecords.com19:00 open&DJ 19:30 live start ¥2000Soul on the Rockladyeria+4JabBeeDJ/LOVERS RECORDS†U“J“gO...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 05:20:00 GMT