EGG MUSIC: previews profile picture

EGG MUSIC: previews

About Me

ゲーム音楽ダウンロード配信サイト・ EGG MUSIC のmyspace出張所です。他では手に入らないレ゠¢æ¥½æ›²ã‚’中心に、 ç´„5000曲を試聴・購入可能 です。ぜひ覗きにきてくださいね!

Here's Myspace subbranch of EGG MUSIC : Japanese music download distribution dedicated to video game music. Approximately 5000 songs are available for preview (sorry, not sold for people outside Japan for now). Feel free to access!

My Interests


Member Since: 18/02/2008
Band Website:
Sounds Like: ゲームミュージック チップチューン / VIDEO GAME MUSIC CHIPTUNE
Record Label: EGG MUSIC
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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