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About Me

Noise Creator/Sound Artist. Born in 1974. Started to perform in Tokyo. With a korean female artist "itta" formed "10". Invited a chinese avant-garde guitarist "Li Jianhong" to japan for the first time. With a japanese phychedelic illustrator "Yunico Uchiyama", they make "Democritus" that is released serially. Worked the music for butoh, play, dance, film and performance. Produced a compilation album "Asian Flashback" on PSF. Released albums with Li Jianhong and itta "See You New World" (2007), with Magical Power Mako "Marqido + Magical Power Mako" (2004).


"Democrtus" is collaborated works by Marqido and a japanese phychedelic illustrater Yunico Uchiyama who is known as T-shirt designer.

Democritus (2004)

Democritus II (2006)

Democritus III (2008)

more information for DHARMADOLL

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Member Since: 13/02/2008
Band Website:
Record Label: DHARMADOLL
Type of Label: Indie

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