Shigeru Tanabu profile picture

Shigeru Tanabu

About Me

Shigeru Tanabu (DJ, Producer, Guitarist)///Shigeru Tanabu was born and grew up in Japan, and when he was 12 years old, already he was holding guitar, and teens and early 20's, he mostly played Blues and Jazz, and rock. In 1999, he moved to NY, and next year he met Brendon Moeller who would be very important person in his life. Soon after they met, Shigeru started to play guitar on Brendon Moller's "Beat Pharmacy" songs, and in 2005, Deep Space Media released first Beat Pharmacy album which contains Shigeru guitar a lot. At the same time, Shigeru started to make tracks by himself, and after he got back from NY, he started his career in Japan. His guitar skill and his programming/producing skill was eventually known by musicians in Japan, and he got so many session works and he worked on Toshiyuki Goto's album called "No Illusion" from Avex as a programmer, and his first mix CD "Elektribe" was released which was mixed with DJ Khadji, and in 2008, tracks called "Pulsation" and "Cactus" were released from Hollister Records which is new label by Steph Mazzacani who own OXYD Records, and also he formed "Rhynpa" with Hideo Kobayashi and Satoshi fumi, and 1st Rhynpa track "Nehanna" was on compilation album "Reformation" from Apt. International. And in 2009, "Adrian" was released from Wave Music, and "Another Daze" from Apt. International.    99年に渡米し2000年にBrendon Moellerと出会いBeat Pharmacyにギターリストとして参加。2005å¹´3月だ«ã¯Deep Space Mediaよりファーストアルバム"Earthly Delights"をリリース、Francois Kと共に日本、NY、ロンドンとツアーを敢行す る。その後2ndアルバム"Constant Pressure"、3rdアルバム"Steadfast"がリリースされ㠀ãã‚Œã¨åŒæ™‚にShigeru Tanabu名義での活動も活発化。NY、日本各地でD J、ライブを行いつつ、2007å¹´7月にリリースさ れたToshiyuki Gotoのアルバム"No Illusion"で全曲プログラマーとして参加。2007å¹ ´10月には自身初のMix CD"Elektribe"ã‚’Khadjiと共にリリース、2008å¹´3月に はイタリアOXYD Recordsの新レーベルHollister Recordsより"Pulsation"、5月には"Cactus"を、そして 2009年1月Wave Musicより"Adrian"、2月にはApt Internationalより"Another Daze EP"とコンスタントにリリースを続けている。 また2008年からHideo Kobayashi、Satoshi Fumiと共にRhynpaを結成。Apt. Internationalよりリリースされたコンピレーシム§ãƒ³"Reformation"に3人の初の共作"Nehanna"が収録さ れる。 その他様々なリミックスワークもこなしつつ 、セッションギターリストとしてもJerome SydenhamとHideo KobayashiによるプロジェクトNagano Kitchenや、Azzurroのアルバム"10000 Light Years From Home"、Blowmanの"Respect For Self Respect For Others"、Kenkouの"Just Like The Sun"などにも参加しこちらも積極的に活動中〠‚ MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests


Member Since: 1/20/2008
Band Members: for booking : [email protected]
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Apt. International, Wave Music, Hollister Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Another Daze EP

"Another Daze EP" is on beatport now. il/156611/Another%20Daze%20EPThanks for your support!Shigeru
Posted by on Sun, 15 Feb 2009 07:20:00 GMT

"Adrian" on Soundcloud

Thanks for your support!
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 08:46:00 GMT

"Adrian" from Wave Music is on beatport now

"Adrian" from Wave Music is on beatport now.Thanks for your support. detail/154158/adrianA familiar name to the Wave Music family from collaborations...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Jan 2009 09:38:00 GMT