i l0Ve.. NYC is my lady, CaLi,f00d, mAkeUp, pinK champLaiN,newpS, rEd bUll, tiv0, The Beach, SunSeTs, c00rSliGht, brittnEy murPheY, England, FRIENDS, sopranoS, spUn, DIPSET, KAtt WilliAms<3, h0r0sc0pes, , BIRTHDAYS, glamOuR, dreams, chelseA handleR, fliRting, kiSSing, fruitY miXd driNks, boyS, road TriPs, smoKing L's n Central PaRk, DanCingg,clean thinGGSS,sn0wBoaRdiNg,A.C. bAbaY n scratch oFFs,skAteboarDeRs, tattooS, my kiTTie cAts N baby bears & of coarse SuShi i d0n'T liKe... BANDAIDS,surcharges *waT mo'Fukin' bReaSt Test??*, freNch anYthiNg, huMid daYs, spEndiNg my 0wn $$, TARDs,Bike Week(mDw) Myrtle Beach '07!!!
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