Little fats & Swingin' hot shot party profile picture

Little fats & Swingin' hot shot party

About Me

1999年冬、vo.&banjoのAtsushiとwash boardのYokoyamaの2人で始めた。当初は他のメン㠃ãƒ¼ãŒæ¯Žå›žé•ã„、面 白半分でスタート。路上を中心に活動をして いくうちにメンバーが集まり、数回メンバー チェンジを繰り返して2005å¹´1月初めに今のメ㠃³ãƒãƒ¼ã¨ãªã‚‹ã€‚ メンバーも気付かなかった六本木ヒルズ51階㠁§ã®ã‚ªãƒ¼ãƒ—ンセレモニーでの演奏や、SKA FLAMESが主宰する、恵比寿ガーデンホールの春 の風物詩イベント「Down Beat Ruller」、原宿ラフォーレ正面玄関前特設ステ ージでの「クリスマスイベント」にもお調子 者的に出演。2007å¹´FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL出演!!
しかし特に変化はなし。基本的には常に前向 きな現状維持が最大の目標である。
但し、下北と新宿のヴィレッジヴァンガード では地味にロングに売れているらしい。
Atsushi (vocal and banjo) was a just rock kid playing punk rock and psychobilly. But in the winter of 1999, when he decided to lauch a new group with Yokoyama (washboard), his musical interest had already altered by Louis Armstrong and Fats Waller. The duet kept performing actively with different musicians on the streets in Tokyo until the year of 2005 when they finally settled down to the presence group. By that time, they had already released their first album in 2000 and second in 2003, and were about to make their third one. As they've created their albums with new different concepts every time, the CD sale has been breaking the record in one of the most popular retailers in Japan "Village Vanguard". In the summer of 2007, they performed at FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL, the biggest rock music event in Japan. But they still love their style of playing on the streets, in front of the stations, making people at all ages happy.

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