Justin, chylin wiit friends::listiin tOo musiic:spOrts
Take the quiz: "Wut Kind Of Drink Are You"
Your young, like to have as much fun as possible thats why your drink hpnotiq
Take the quiz: "What Kinda Kiss R U?"
Romantic Kiss
Lying in bed after making love and just doing whatever.
Take the quiz: "What teen celebrity are you?"
Christina Agulaira
your a slut
Take the quiz: "gorgeous girls..which one are you? (pics)"
ashlee simpson
shes hot
A Amazing
L Luxurious
Y Young
S Silky
S Skillful
A Arty
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
C Cuddly
L Light
U Unreal
P Patriotic
P Peaceful
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
I'd like to meet:
dOwn to earth ppl who love to talk nd love to party mainly people who know how to be real and have a good time.
(¯..·-» FrEewaY l fRaNkiE J l DaDdy YaNkEe l 5o CeNt l G- uNiT l tHe GaMe l lloyD BaNkS l yOuNg BuCk l BaByFaCe l SnOoP d.O dOuBlE gIZzy l p.DiDdy l TuPaC l BiGgy sMaLLs l k.C n JoJo l TwIsTa l LaDy SaW l LiL WayNe l BraNdy l AsHaNti l faItH EvaN l OLiVa ( LaDy G-UnIt ) l TrICk DaDdy l LiL jOn n Da EaStsIDe BoYs l LiL sCraPpy l BoW wOw l JuEvInLe l gEnUwInE l LuDaCriS l yOuNg GuNs l LiL FLiPp l Jay Z l X tO tHe Z xZiBiT l liL KiM l T.I l Story of the year, Simple Plane, click five....nD MoOrE...
(¯..·-» the nOte bOokl the lOngeSt yaRd l DuMb aNd DuMbeR l cOrKy RaMoNo l NaPaLeOn DyNaMiTe l BiG DaDdy l tHe waTeRbOy l HaPpy GiLmOrE l BiLLy MaDiSoN l ScaRy MoViE 1 Nd 2 l aMeRiCaN PiE 1 Nd 2 l RoaD tRiP l LovE Nd BaSkEtBaLL l HoT cHiCks l rUsH hOuR 1 Nd 2 l JeEpErS CrEepErS 1 Nd 2 l JoE DiRt l HaGgaRd l GriNd l wHitE cHiCks l SouL pLaNe l CoyOte UgLy l Coach Carter, Old School....
(¯..·-» aNytHiNg gOoD.. sOmEtHiNg FuNNy n eNtErTaNiN tO waTcH! i LiKE tHe ReaLiTy sHoWs lIke: GrOwIn uP gOttI nD MaD tV* ThE DaVe ChaPPeLLe ShOw*cARtOoNs*Sports... aNytHiNg PrEetY MuCh!
(¯..·-» ii dOnT rEaD
(¯..·-» Myy BeSt FriiENDs iN tHe wOrLd. . iDk wHeRe iD bEe wiiTh oUt tHeM! lOVE YA GURLz find the 0ne y0u can be y0urself in fr0nt 0f y0u can say anythinq' y0u can laugh y0u can smile :o) ' y0u can k i s s ..* y0u can h u g y0u can f i g h t and make up at- the end 0f the night nd he wuld ' still be c r a z y.. a b 0 u t ..y 0 u3Justin i found that in you.