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hacia la expansion del horizonte de lo que es posible

About Me

my heart speaks to me in shadows, sometimes with gusto, mostly in whispers as the sun comes up and I haven't been to bed yet. brooklyn claimed me in her underbelly. now philly restores a long lost calm. resentful of about me boxes with these insufferable blue lines of containment.in love with many spaces, faces, ideas. night bike rides are my favorite. the way the wind sweeps across bare shoulders on the downward slope. mmm. care packages and hard to decipher love letters. check ins. visions of another world. laughter in the midst of all this hatred. ..

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My Interests

community. creativity. writers without limits. anyone without limits. anyone careful enough to listen. brave lips. honest eyes. resistencia. autogestion. popular education. history, in its many stories. soft challenges. smoke. fog. mountains. language. flesh. light. land. skin. song.

I'd like to meet:

artists without limits. houses with two living rooms and a big basement. big eyes and wise hearts.


the sounds of the people. resistant beats. harmonious voices.


blowing up that box.


are my world. tuck everlasting. song of solomon. chilam balam. la mujer habitada. books of embraces. asphalt. the fire next time. zamicanto general. the god of small things. cronopios. all the words of ee cummings. pedro mir. audre lourde. benjamin.i love letters even more. title wrapped beams of love from one hand to another. there is nothing more precious.


papi came to me in a dream and took cut outs of all the people I love and set them up in a circle in the garden. Then he set two empty chairs beside one another, sat down and waited for me to join the continuous space. my heroes were all there. they grew their flesh and blood in the silence of the subconscious.