mabanua profile picture


About Me

He aspired to be an artist form his early youth. While traveling through Austria as teenager he played guitar and sang on the streets. He received unexpected applause and support from the local audiences. This experience made him strongly believe in the power of communication through music. After trying various instruments such as guitar, bass, keyboard, he chose drums as the best instrument to express himself. In the early age of 17 mabanua decided to devote himself to being a artist.
Mabanua was influenced by the sound of the 90’s hip hop group such as “Arrested Development” and the music of the 60’s and 70’s legends. He wanted to emulate the groove of black music he listened to as a child. He begun collaborating with a number of bands as a drummer at prominent music clubs in Tokyo. His technical and expressive skills came to full maturity during this period. Simulataneously, mabanua started to work on his own track using Akai MPCs. Since 2006 he was a member of a jazz-hip-hop group “Ovall”. It is a band of four musicians: their music is a unique mixture of sampling and live sound. Mabanua’s contribution as drummer consists of a characteristic, profound beat. His sensibility as a percussionist is also his strength in track making. His sound originates from a personal vision and although the basis of his music is hip hop, the ultimate goal is to create unique sound transcending any genre.
“mabanua” is a made-up word, an anagram of his real name. His first album will be release in October 8th,2008.
“ The feeling of looping music is impossible to express with words. Musicians create various sounds with different instruments during a session. Then the repetitions of sounds become blended together into one bigger wave. It is an instinctive form of communication with other musicians, audience, and myself.” manbanua said.
2008.11.19 Out
- comment -
とにかくリラックスしたい時にお薦めのアル バムですね! 僕は音楽が大好き。家ではもちろん、トレー ニングに向かう車の中でも、色んなジャンル の 曲をよく聴いています。このアルバムは全体 的にどの曲もいいけど、特に僕のお気に入り は2、3、5、8の4曲。思わずクラブに行 きたくなっちゃう曲ですね!
三都主アレサンドロ (浦和レッドダイヤモンズ)
葛藤や絶望にかられながらも躍進する姿勢を サウンドの中に強く感じました。 これからも、分厚いビートとともに時代を切 り刻んで下さい。 アルバムリリース、おめでとうございます。
INO hidefumi
朝、昼、晩、いつ聴いてもドップリハメられ る音楽ってマジで最高です!Respect!!
RAITA from BAGDAD CAFE THE trench town
N.Yへの一人旅に行く時は、間違いなくこの「 done already」を持って行く。
市川和則 (羊毛とおはな)
THE ROOTSのドラマー、クエスト・ラブを彷彿させ㠂‹ã‚ˆã†ãªã‚¢ãƒ¼ãƒ†ã‚£ã‚¹ãƒˆã€‚ ドラマーとしてはもちろん、トラックメーカ ーとしてもズバ抜けた才能を持っている 人です。日本を代表し世界で活躍する日も遠 くはないと思います。 今後の彼が一体どうなっていくのかが本当に 楽しみです!!
Sugar (ex. Vo Vo Tauドラマー/THE COMPANY)
メロディカル、そして渋くてセンスのいい音 、まじで才能がある アーティストだと思います。
budamunky (JAZZY SPORT)
僕は毎日CLUBにいる。ある日、やってきたBAND㠁®ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒãƒ¼ã«mabanuaがいた。演奏のクオリティ の高さにド肝を抜かれると同時に、その時に 出会ったのが本作品だった。いつどんなタイ ミングで聞いても,大人な気持ちを高めてく れる。しかも歌いたいっていう感情も自然と 湧き出てくる,とても素晴らしいアダルトな HIPHOPだ。
イーモトロール (ラッパー/Organbar店長)
耳馴染みはいいけど、アヴァンギャルド。懐 かしいけど、フューチャリスティック。 こういう音楽が街中に溢れていたら、世界は もっと棲みやすくなると思う。
坂野晴彦 (EYESCREAM編集部)
------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------
+Next live
Origami Presents
My Favorite Soul
2009.04.23 (thu) @nakameguro Solfa  
open: 21:00 - allnite ï¿¥2000 w/1d
laid book session
Guest DJ:
Resident DJ:
 Origami Crew
 TOKNOW (Romancrew)
 横山龍助 (Rare Drops)
 NOM (montyacc)
 TSUYO-B (jazzswindle)
 BEat-taku around

My Interests


Member Since: 16/11/2007
Band Website:
Sounds Like:

Record Label: Origami Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New songs up

new songs up... "live show" feat. AKIL THE MC of JURASSIC 5 and Pupa Don "love sick" feat Eshe of Arrested Development
Posted by on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 08:22:00 GMT

New songs up

New songs up... him feat Tamala / wake up (interlude) / peace in my mind liquid / trap / dream about you   peace mabanua  
Posted by on Sun, 10 Aug 2008 13:28:00 GMT