arkuila profile picture


About Me

Each morning may I wake anew with all my voices sleeping still so that my soul is what I hear and not the shrill command of will. Each morning may I awake aware of all the blessings I can see, how this day can be filled with joy because my world is inside me. Each morning may I awake assured that I have all the strength I need to stop reacting to my fears and let my spirit take the lead.. One Love Words of Wisdom~ Faith Sees the Invisible, Believes the Incredible and Recieves the Impossible."form action='' method='post' target='_new'>
ab0ut mii...
name Arkuila
niickname kuila
d/o/b july 11th
age 24
heiight 5'5
haiir c0l0r dark brown
eye c0l0r brown
natiionaliity black
have u ever...
kiissed s0me0ne wh0 was just a friiend no
been rejected yes
rejected any0ne yes
been iin l0ve no
used s0me0ne no
cheated 0n a test yes
cheated 0n s0me 0ne no
been cheated 0n np
d0ne sumtiin u regret no
st0led anythiing from my sis
d0 u...
c0l0r ur haiir no
have tatt00s no
have any piierciings no
have a g/f 0r b/f no
riite thiis m0ment...
u have 0n wat cl0thes jeans and t-shirt
ur mood iis sleepy
current haiir a hot mess,lol ( ponytail)
current musiic listening to people hit computer keyes
current annoyance have too many at the momment
wat sh0uld u be d0iing going to class
current crush lol
driink juice
c0l0r purple
candii anything fruity
tv sh0w courage the cowardly dog
m0viie no favorite
place my room
pers0n to talk t0 my sis
st0re no favorite
brand no favorite
aniimal fish and dogs
wat do u perfer...
marry the perfect l0ver or perfect friiend perfect friend
fancy restaurant/n0t s0 fancy restaurant my kitchen
summer/wiinter both
vaniila/ch0c0late doesnt matter
liights 0n/0ff off
diirty/clean always clean
hot/c0ld in between
niice & sl0w/r0ugh nice and slow
are u...
r0mantiic yes
sweet yes
understandiing yes
0pen miinded yes
smart yes
fun yes
uniique yes
mean try not to be
funny yes
what d0 u liike 0n the opposiite sex...
haiir c0l0r black
l0ng/sh0rt haiir keep it neat and it's all good
heiight taller than me
peronaliity of course
b0dy type as long as u keep in up again ur alright with me
fav0riite b0dy part i'll take all of them,lol 9 dont have a favorite)
what d0 u l00k f0r iin the opposiite sex someone who can be themselves
d0 u have a bad tempure? no
descriibe urself cool calm & collected
any pets? fish
any siibliings? twin sister
any g0als graduate with my biology degree
what d0 u want t0 be wen u gr0w up? a pizza hut owner
want t0 get marriied nd have kiids? of course!
wats ur fav0riite b0dy part?
the best thiing ab0ut ur pers0naliity? easy to get along with
which w0rd d0 u 0ver use? cool beans
what iis the m0st annoyiing thiings ab0ut u? dont think i have one but if i do please let me know, lol
d0 u prefer g0ld/siilver/whiite g0ld/dii0m0nds? doesnt matter im happy with what i get
h0w l0ng iis ur haiir? shoulder length
are u 0rganiized 0r messy?&..39;>
end thiis survey wiith a qu0te...

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I would like to meet positive people who can hold good conversations, :-)

My Blog

Survey Time

REVEAL A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: NOW Is your hair up?: yesIs your phone right beside you?: cell phoneDo you have a bf/ gf?: noDo you wish you were somewhere else?: noDo you have plans for tonight?: noA...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 21:01:00 GMT


This is a good one so I thought I would share it with others! Enjoy...  An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of apole which she carried across her neck. One of the p...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 14:51:00 GMT


Like a star in the night the way their eyes expressed the light that is found deep within their souls The love between a man and his woman is about to be shown. What was once two, is now twisted to m...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 08:59:00 GMT

As We lay

As I lay here with paper and pencil in my hand Visions of your face and smile dance around in my head. Every since I first caught my eye on you The only thing I can do is think of you, my boo. Words s...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 07:35:00 GMT

On waking up

Each morning may I wake anew with all my voices sleeping still so that my soul is what I hear and not the shrill command of will. Each morning may I awake aware of all the blessings I can see, how thi...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 06:44:00 GMT

Take Time

Take TimeTake time to think;It is the source of powerTake time to read;It is the foundation of wisdom.Take time to play;It is the secret of staying young.Take time to be quiet;It is the opportuni...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 09:29:00 GMT