[insert comment here...lol]
..src="http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii47/layouts_247/b utton.gif" border="0">
-i'd like to meet a guy who cares for me, without having it to be an obligation.
-a guy who can be honest and say exactly whats on his mind, without hesitation...without implication
-a guy that i can trust, without needing other's verification.
-a guy who will stay by my side, without worrying about abdication.
-a guy who'll give me the feeling of happiness, with hopes and anticipation
-the guy...i believe i've already met him :]
-one glance...and he had my attention
-one little conversation...and i was captivated
-it was something like "love at first" and "opposite attraction"...both things i hadn't believed till the night i met him :)
-he's literally, everything im not
-our list of differences grow everyday...and so far its like we only have one thing in common [lol]
-but he's perfect...he's all i've looked for...all i could ask for...and he's all mine :]
-not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice...
-not something to be waited for...but something to look forward to
-so watch your thoughts...they become words
-watch those words...they become actions
-understand your actions...they become habits
-study your habits...they become your character
-develop your character...it leads to your destiny
-because in the end...you would have already written it