I would like to further my education by getting my BSN in nursing. I would like to work in Neurology!!! The brain is so cool. I have found a new respect for ballet, I have been into this for few months and love it. Hard, but I truley enjoy it!!! My teacher kicks Ass!
People who are going somewhere with their life, have a plan and are dedicated to reaching their dreams. People who like to laugh and have fun. Most people are pretty cool, but there are those people who trip you up and make you fall into their drama, and those people SUCK!
I love to listen to MUSIC. I like most all music. I really enjoy Jazz. I have recently found a love for it. I love the sound and how it flows, makes your sould feel good!. I also like some kick ass Rock and Roll!!!
My favorite movie is The Princess Bride! I enjoy movies that tell a good story. Ya know the ones that can make you feel how the person is in the movie. For example, The Gladiator, THe Last Samari, For Love and Basketball those are some of my favorites. However it is nice to watch a movies that is funny and makes no sense, laughter is the best medicine
Law and Order, The Closer on TNT, and CSI the original. Of course that is only when I have time to watch television.
Right now I am reading text books..... and I read books to my daughter. She loves to read books, I hope this trend will continue. Plus right now her books are much easier to read and a lot more fun to look at.