Cozy Orchestra profile picture

Cozy Orchestra

About Me

Cozy Orchestra:
深い夜の情景を奏で、時にエキゾチックに彩 る楽曲の中を、艶やかにたゆたう女性ツイン ボーカルを中心に、 ピアノ・ギター・ベース・ドラム・などの生 楽器やシンセ・サンプラー等の電子音も取り 入れた、流動編成ジャズオーケストラ。
MCやストリングス、さらには様々な民族楽器㠁®ãƒŸãƒ¥ãƒ¼ã‚¸ã‚·ãƒ£ãƒ³ãªã©ã‚’ゲストに迎えるほか ダンサーやライブペインティングなどとのコ ラボレーションも行うボーダレスなライブパ フォーマンスも精力的に行う。
2007年3月、待望のミニアルバム「Thousand Nights」をリリース。
若干のメンバーチェンジ、新メンバーの加入 を経て、より新しい世界観の楽曲の制作や、 自らのイベントの企画等、 今後のより広範な活動に現在精力的に取り組 んでいる。
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Cozy Orchestra:
Future Jazz Orchestra of 10 person organization that acts around Osaka, Japan.
Its sound drifts in dark night...exotically, supplely, and deeply.
Clear glossy voice of 2 female vocals floats around piano, bass, guitar, drum, percussion, sax, trumpet.(Some of them just joined recently.)
And electronic sounds of samplar, synthesizer colors that cozy sound.
We also do borderless collaboration with MCs, strings, dancers, live painters, and some players of ethnic musical instrument.
Long-awaited mini album 'Thousand Nights' is just released in March, 2007.(1,600 JPY)
We are working on a wider activity in the future to plan an event that produces of the music of an outlook on the world that is newer to have added the number of people in addition through some member changes and is own aggressively now.
”Segreto” Live

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Member Since: 24/07/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Michiyo Yasuda : Vocal
Masataka Takahashi : Piano
Hiroyuki Homma : Guitar
Iori Hosokawa : Bass
Masaou Nomura : Drum
Masahiro Matsuo : Percussion
Hisanobu Sakanaka : Tenor & Soprano Sax
Chie Sato : Trumpet
Yasushi Toryuu : Sampler & Percussion
Manabu Shimoda : Sampler,Synthesizer & Total Produce

And more great supporting musicians.

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Type of Label: Major

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