N1 Business.CaLLy Camp.chest is big 4 da man from ma nek-a da woods.rep it rite.chest is big 4ma goony's of finch N12 sides even doe u gals r tryin it now.n mans ad enuf of dose ppl dat r addin man n dnt send man a msg or comment.lyk i dunno wot u fink dis is.if i dnt no u or ur not from da bits i probly wont sponsor da breadrinship but holla at me stil.man jus likes 2 keep ma myspace circle immediateif ur gona add me send me a msg
BiTcH BeTTa HaV mA MoNeY.... nuKa!KaTT WiLLiaMs
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grown folks musicHourse&Carriage(cam'ron.ft.Ma$e)
star wars episode 3man likes dem all 1 to 6
but episode 3 is jus HeNcH
Cool Slideshowscity of god / city of men.....
u ask to many questions
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a child/boy called it or wot eva its called, its jus baDDbut da baDDisT is Coldest Winter Ever
dis book is flippin hench
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man wants to b hench like 50LOLbut ma heroes r all da wasteman on road,Me i like dem coz dae set a standard dat il never sink to n i fank dem for dat so i dnt av to experience dat in life,so shout out to all da wasteman about around town,jus dnt cum DwN ToWn uP ToWn (CaLLy)ur not welcome round ma wayCaLLy