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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

そうですね・・・ 思ったことをすぐ口にし、言わなくていいこ とまで言ってしまっては、嫌われてしまう人 間ですね。 悪意は全くないのですが、相手には言葉のま まとられてしまい、即距離を置かれることは よくありますね。 話しかけにくい雰囲気があるらしく、話した ことのない人が勝手にあれこれ作った人物像 が一人歩きしているようで・・・ 実際は、単純、小心者なんですけどね・・・ It is so ・・・. It is man disliked when saying to your may say the desire soon, and not saying. It ..word.. is taken by the other party ..the remainder.., and there is often what where the keep away from immediately though it is not malicious at all. There seems to be atmosphere not talked to easily, and the portrait that the person who had not spoken this and that made without permission walks by oneself ・・・ Actually, it is simplicity, and a blushing violet ・・・.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

どんなことでもきちんと考える人。 最低限の常識とマナーとモラルをもってる人 。 自分に正直な人。 人を色目でみない人。Person who thinks neatly by what. Person who has minimum common sense, manners, and morality. It is a sincere man in me. Person who doesn't see person in amorous glance.

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