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About Me

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ARU's blend of drum & bass is just untouchable. He is a recognized, young and distinguished DJ in Tokyo D'n'B scene. Not to mention he has Hip-Hop back ground from his teen age era in Kyoto where he grew up and where he started his DJing career. When he hit his age of 18, he moved to Tokyo and started rocking the Tokyo crowds. After the fateful encounter with dj KENTARO in Tokyo, DJ ARU has toured with dj KENTARO to Jamaica and Europe. DJ ARU rocked the Manchester and New Castle crowds, all the experiences he received from foreign tours have reflected today's music selection of DJ ARU's. From all these international trips he had, what touched ARU's heart the most was D'n'B.
In 2006, he released the Mix Album called "ENTER A TOKYO DRUM & BASS WAR". It's really soulful and story telling mix, and it has influenced all the music shop buyers and Tokyo dance scene. It was a top hit of the month. DJ ARU has also opened up for DMC Japan regionals, played at SONAR MUSIC FESTIVAL TOKYO, METAMORPHOSE FESTIVAL, BARRICADE and DRUM & BASS SESSIONS in JAPAN. His DJ performance areas have been expanding today.
His original style is ever-changing, aggressive and spirit of no constraint. Once you jump into his dance floor, you must feel DJ ARU's amorous beats and stories that he is creating. DJ ARU, he is blowing the dance floor away.
D'n'Bの若手実力派DJとして、メキメキと頭角゠’表しているDJ ARU。10ä»£å¾ŒåŠã«ãƒ’ãƒƒãƒ—ãƒ›ãƒƒãƒ—ã®æ´—ç·´ã‚’å—ã‘ã€å œ°å…ƒäº¬éƒ½ã‚ˆã‚ŠDJæ´»å‹•ã‚’ã‚¹ã‚¿ãƒ¼ãƒˆã€‚é–“ã‚‚ãªãä¸Šäº ¬ã—、都内を中心にプレイを続ける。 そんな折、dj KENTAROと運命的な出会いを果たし、ジャマイ゠«ã‚„ヨーロッパツアーに同行。UKでは、マンチ ェスターやニューキャッスルのクラブでプレ イするなど、貴重な体験を得る。 それら世界各国のクラブカルチャーを体験す るなかで、もっともシンパシーを感じたのが ドラムンベースであった。
そして、2006年にはミックス CD「ENTER A TOKYO DRUM & BASS WAR」を発表。魂のこもったストーリー性ある ミックスが、都内レコード店を中心に話題を 集めることに。以降、DMC関東予選のオープニ ングアクトや、SONAR TOKYO、メタモルフォーゼのOrtofonブース、BARRIC ADE、DRUM&BASS SESSIONS等でプレイするなど、活躍の場が拡大㠀‚
既存の枠にとらわれない変幻自在な選曲と、 勢いを感じさせる攻撃的なミックス。それで いて、ストーリー性も十分な話題のDJ ARU。少しでもカラダを揺らしたら、最後まで 踊り続けてしまう魅惑のビートを体感すべし ! 今夜もまた、ヘッズたちをぶっ飛ばす!!
Text by TOMIYAMA eizaburo

My Interests


Member Since: 5/14/2007
Band Members:

Sounds Like: DRUM&BASS!!!
Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Indie

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