Yurika profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I want to live with nature and die with smile.
This world is our home and you are my family.
わからないことがいっぱいだけど、今生きて いることを大切にしたい。
I don't know why I am here for, but I cherish this life.
It's a mass of miracles.
Mooglit  Something cute and a little bit weird and always up to mischief...
ちょっと変だけど、茶目っ気のあるものとい う意味。
バイロンベイ周辺で出会った、海を愛し、音 楽を奏で、平和を愛する人達たちの集まり。
本物のクリーンなオーガニックライフを求め る。
This used to be a girls band in Byron Bay
and now a peace group of beautiful minded people who loves ocean and music.
Permaculture  ビル・モリソンが提案した半永久的に継続 可能な生活デザイン。
This is the most beautiful design of permanent culture and agriculture for this beautiful earth by Bill Mollison.
He learned a lot from Japanese like Mr.Fukuoka.
美しい地球を子供たちに残していくための自 然に負担のない永続的な農業と文化。
森の要素を再現し、エネルギーも食料も出来 る限り住む地域で自給し、すべてのものが周 りまわってゆく。
コンポストから栄養満点の腐植土を作り、農 薬や肥料を使わない自然農法。ケミカルを使 わない家作り。だから体の細胞が生き生きと 笑い出す。
パーフェクトでセクシーな腐植土作り実行委 員会。perfect and sexy humus maker.
シマミミズ愛護団体会長。Leader of JAHS,Japan Angelworm Humane Society:)
微生物よ、ありがとう!Thanks Microbe. Nice Vibration !
人間以外の全ての生き物が一番で、人間は二 番。
All of the creature except human is the best, and human is second.(Great surfer Teacher Mr.Kadokawa says)
I like to say all life is amazingly beautiful and connecting each other very deeply.
宮崎の門川先生の自然楽校は、海と山と人間 と触れ合いながら、様々な子供たちを引き込 もりから復学へと歩む道の成長のお手伝いを しています。
Mr.Kadokawa is amazing surfer and teacher for kids who had hard time in school and can not go there anymore by too much stress and fear, social withdrawal called Hikikomori in Japanese.
There are 2 million Hikikomori people and 30 thousand people kill themselves every year in Japan.
Please know this reality and change this to possitive enegy to make happy world around you. As Mother Teressa said if you want to do something good for this world, please go back home and hug your family and tell your love and appreciation. The happy enegy will make people around you happy.Please forgive yourself and accept all.
一番必要なことは、家に帰って家族に感謝と 愛を伝えることです。
自分と相手のありのままを受け入れて、今は 奇跡の集まり。
★Rain maker Project★
レインメーカープロジェクト 福岡式の粘土団子で砂漠の緑化をしています 。
森は、全ての陸の生き物、全ての海の生き物 にとって、必要です。
人間が壊してしまったから、作り直したい。  ご協力お願い致します。
Using Mr.Fukuoka's method clay balls, we are trying to make forests
back in desert in Africa and other countries in future.
This is faster and easier with great result.
We destroyed, so we need to fix it. And We need your support.
I love all my photos, its telling me that the miracles are right here around us every morment.
Dolphins are just like your lovely pets. You don..t wanna kill your lovely dog or cat, right ?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Falling Objects

平和な人。Peaceful person,creative,who loves nature.

宇宙+創造。海、山、川、庭、空、月、鳥、 虫、動物、魚、イルカ、クジラ・・。
universe + creativity. nature, ocean, mountain, river, garden, sky, moon, birds, bugs, animals, fish, Dolphins, Whales..

魂の声、音楽、踊り。感じること。 feel the spirit and make a music and dance with it.

競争ではなく、共存を。人間はみんな同じ。 no competition, but coexistence, we are the same.

本当の賢さは、奇跡のような美しい宇宙の営 みの中の人間の役割を考えることかなぁ・・ 。
real wisdom as human is to think about what is our share as part of this miracle beautiful universe..and feel it.

全ての生き物が幸せに生きられる社会を作り たい。I want to make the world where all of the creatures can live happily.

全ての人が価値ある命をまっとうできるよう に。Everybody has to be respected and live their life.

私達は、愛に溢れている生き物です。We are the creatures with full of love.

その愛は、生まれた時に、完璧に体の中に受 け継がれている。The love is inherited perfectly when we are born.

子供のままの純粋さが人生を豊かにする。 Purity as a child makes abundant life.

より弱い人に目を向けてあげてください。Ple ase give your hand to weaker people.

愛に溢れたものは、全て美しく完璧です。Thi ngs filled with love is all perfect and beautiful.

その波動がどこまでも続くように。I pray for that the vibration reaches everywhere.

自分を責める人、人を責める人、戦場へ行く 人、自殺する人がゼロになるように。
No more people who blame themselves or someone else, who goes to war and who kill themselves.

あなたが生きていることに、とても意味があ る。 Your life has meaning, very important for this world.

Take your friend's hand and hug the earth.

I love you my brothers, Micheal Franti and Spearhead

My Blog

Mullumbimby music festival in Australia

I went to dance with music tonight at Mullumimby 20 mins from Byron. It was really amazing music tonight. "Afro Dizzi Act" with Jali Buba Kuyateh is not just an afro beats band. So beautiful so up lif...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Nov 2008 06:23:00 GMT

ó¹kXW_>LPÜ’vÅU[_Bãx Earth Vision the 16th Tokyo Global Environmental film Festival

0ûº“°ƒÕ©üéà;¬n,16Þ¢ü¹ûÓ¸çó0°ƒ ;mL3 ìk°¿Û7:ÛüëgLŒ_ t‰WD ;mjng‚chOnºTL³kMf2WD *Ý\Áoªü¹Èéê¢ú«nãcêÁãüÉû¹ß¹kˆ‹ ¯ëüÉü€MúWn2nœf Crude:the Increadible Journey of Oil SŒo/^T§kjcf2WDgYÖk‚ t‰...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:41:00 GMT

å,ºhWfåcfJM_D‹ about whaling and seafood and consumption in Japan

---å,nß„ˆ»nSh---- å,go?œLcWDÅ1’‹:WfDjDng{h“inºLåŠ~[“L¤ë«o¯¸é‰hPosted by on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 06:48:00 GMT