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Member Since: 11/05/2007
Band Website: http://www.oddjob.jp/oddjob.htm
Band Members: TUCKER2004 japan fuji rock festival 2004 RED MARQEE2006 japan fuji rock festival 2006 RED MARQEE2006 Barcelona SONAR20062006 london THE SCRATCH PERVERT BEATDOWN fabric2007 Germany FrankfurtSONAR2007,2008 australia Big Day Out2008 lilywould,2008 france canne japanese production night20082009 UK Brighton Manchester London Liverpool"エレクトーン"を武器に、パンク/ヒッ プホップ的初期衝動とジャズの即興性を掛け 合わせ、ターンテーブルやギター、ベース等 をたった一人で駆使したステージパフォーマ ンスが話題沸騰の超絶パフォーマー。全ての ライブがことごとく伝説! '90年代からエレクトーン奏者として活動。ソ ロ活動の傍らNatural Calamityã‚„JACKIE AND THE CEDRICSのメンバーとして海外ツアーに参加後〠99年同年シングル"MAN FROM ELECTONE"(7"EP)を発表。'03å¹´1月ファーストアルムãƒ ã€ŒTUCKER IS COMING」発売。、04FUJIROCKレッドマーキー出演〠'05å¹´MONEY MARKアルバム「FATHER DEMO SQUARE」に1曲参加、「同年11月、待望のセカ㠃³ãƒ‰ã‚¢ãƒ«ãƒãƒ ã€ŒELECTOON WIZARD」発表。 07FUJIROCKレッドマーキー出演;2007 4/25には初 の映像作品、スペインバルセロナsonar2006,  トニーベガスによって招かれたロンドンfab ricでのパフォーマンス,伝説の代々木フリーム©ã‚¤ãƒ–、マニーマークUKツアーへの参加などの ライブ模様を納めた, DVD『QUIET RIOT』発表。 また「PEPSI TWIST」CM曲提供、「UNIQLO」「sony WALKMAN 」CMに出演、映画『ゲゲゲの鬼太郎』サウン㠃‰ãƒˆãƒ©ãƒƒã‚¯æ‹…当など幅広く活動。また2007 10æ œˆã«ã¯ãƒ‰ã‚¤ãƒ„、フランクフルトにて行われるs onar2007に出演。 同年TUCKER出演のSONY WALKMAN WEB CMがヤングガンズ国際広告賞で、 SILVER AWARD WINNER授賞。 2008、1æœˆã«ã¯ã‚ªãƒ¼ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ©ãƒªã‚¢ã§è¡Œã‚ã‚ŒãŸä¸–ç•Œæ œ€å¤§ã®ãƒ•ã‚§ã‚¹ãƒ†ã‚£ãƒãƒ«BIGDAYOUTに出演。近況はA CDCのトリビュートアルバムへ参加。「デトロ イトメタルシティ」のコンピレーションアル バムにてスチャダラパーのリミックスを担当 。4/5発売 POP GROUP コンピレーション KAIKOO PLANETにDJ BAKU との共作で参加。  最新のSONY WALKMANのweb-CMでGOMA da DIDGRIDOOと共演している。 現在、自身の3枚目のソロアルバムを制作中〠‚Links http://www.ygaward.com/winners-and-finalists-showcase/catid, 183/ http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=gamakatsu http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=32426

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●●●●●●●Information Public/image. Original Soundtrack Album【 PUBLIC/IMAGE.SOUNDS 】

Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!BUY 【 PUBLIC/IMAGE.SOUNDS 】アーティスト:難波章浩/環ROY/NEWDEAL/Tr aks Boys/イルリメ/Olive Oil/七尾旅人/やけのはら/岸眞衣子/SKYFIS H/RUMI/TUCKER/MAGAZINE KING/RAVOLTA/iLL/UKAWANIMATION!/The SAMOS/Eccy/DOKAKA/あがた森魚/あらかじめ決 められた恋人たちへ/□□□(クチロロ)   発売日:2009年 6月10日(水) 価格:2,300円(税込み) レーベル:tearbridge records / avex
Influences: TUCKER PROFILE TUCKER started his career as Electone player in 1990s. In 1998, he joined NATURAL CALAMITY's US tour for a month. The same year he released his first 7" EP "MAN FROM ELECTONE". In 1999, He participated in JACKIE & THE CEDRICS's US tour for a month, composed songs and recorded Electone on the 10" EP called "JACKIE & THE CEDRICS", released on the New York based label NORTON. Next year, after opening their Las vegas show, TUCKER joined their West Coast tour. In January 2003, TUCKER released his first album "TUCKER IS COMING" from ODDJOB RECORDS. He was also featured on on a song from MONEY MARK's "FATHER DEMO SQUARE" in 2005. In November 2005, TUCKER released his highly anticipated second album called "ELECTOON WIZARD" on UNIVERSAL MUSIC. At SONAR 2006 in Barcelona, TUCKER was nominated "The Best of SONAR" by both audience and international press.TUCKER joined Money Mark's Europe Tour as a bass player in 2006. After releasing "QUIET RIOT" DVD,he performed in England and Germany last year, then appeared at BIG DAY OUT in Australia. The explosive mix of Hip Hop and Punk influence together with his improvisational Jazz style are what make TUCKER a truly unique soulful virtuoso. In addition to keyboard, he also plays guitar, turntables, and other instruments. All of TUCKER's shows have become legendary.The explosive mix of Hip Hop and Punk influence together with his improvisational Jazz style are what make TUCKER a truly unique soulful virtuoso. In addition to keyboard, he also plays guitar, turntables, and other instruments. All of TUCKER's shows have become legendary.There's a new Electone artist in town. And he's pulling out the stops to make Electone hot! Tucker combines Electone, synth, scratching and literally BLAZING theatrics to create crowd pleasing performances that dispell any belief that Electone isn't cool. Emerging in 1998 with the hot single "The Man From Electone", the music industry took notice of Tucker's releases. It quickly becomes obvious that this artist blew out of the studio and onto the stage. Since then he has never looked-back. When Tucker first appears on stage you don't quite know what's in store for you. A cheap rhythm machine starts cranking out reckless beats, setting the scene for what's about to happen. All of a sudden the artist slaps out some biting Electone notes, cutting through the air, dispelling your fear that he's not going to use the Electone for much. You know something is going to happen... something big. The tension starts building as Tucker adds more to the mix. Watching a Tucker performance you feel as though you are getting caught up in something spicy, bold and reckless. Combining turntable, Electone, base, drum, sampling, the flame (he literally sets his instruments on fire!), standing upside down on the Electone, and even scratching the turntable with his nose, the energy builds, causing audience outbursts and spontaneous gasps of awe. This is dangerous, and you're a part of it! But like a deer in headlights, you can't do anything but just let your jaw drop open, listen and watch.
BIG DAY OUT 2008 IN AUSTRALIA2008/1/18 0:00 auckland -australia http://www.bigdayout.com/ auckland -australia, New South Wales 2008/1/20 0:00 bigdayout gold coast -australia gold coast -australia, New South Wales 2008/1/22 0:00 the zoo brisban-australia the zoo brisban-australia, New South Wales 2008/1/24 20:00 candys apartment sydney-australia candys apartment sydney-australia, New South Wales 2008/1/25 0:00 sydney -australia sydney -australia, New South Wales 2008/1/26 0:00 the espy-australia the espy-australia, New South Wales 2008/1/28 0:00 melbourne-australia melbourne-australia, New South Wales

Sounds Like: ELECTONE,,RHYTHMBOX & Rock ’n’ Rolltucker-DVD QUIET RIOT

1st-album tucker is comminghttp://www.amazon.co.jp/TUCKER-COMMING/dp/B00007KJCJ/ ref=pd_sbs_d_img_1

Record Label: odd job records
Type of Label: Indie

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tuckerhmagazine king

tucker hmagazine king
Posted by on Sat, 21 Mar 2009 12:10:00 GMT

tucker in france

http://www.public-image.org/column/2008/11/17/tucker-07.html tucker in france
Posted by on Mon, 17 Nov 2008 09:27:00 GMT


Posted by on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:51:00 GMT