Ougan Shiotani profile picture

Ougan Shiotani

About Me

Merits for passing visitor: By cultivating "Ceannt", you will find a place of great cultural and philosophical significance to Japanese. And you will learn to know a subtleties of human nature and tragic beauty of Japanese in the nucleus on medieval literature.
Occupation: PR manager of my small company (president), Radio and tv Director, and Artist
Hi, there
I keep you in my heart, an ocean within another one. I wish we would be friend some day. Photographs: near my resistance with sister in law. And taken photo at Okinawa.
Character: circular. simple. Sometimes, take a fine and coercive attitude to others.
[Romantic interests in these days]
Acquiring the film technique of Japanese film director Mizoguchi, kenji (1898-1956). For that purpose, within two years, I will have a grasp of the basic grammatical structures of the film.
In three decade, I want to be artistic charisma of Classical Japanese dance.
Hi there. I was working for tv company as drama director. In my theme, I would describe the spirit of evil thought within the context of Japanese art and science. And now I am involved in business and to do charity in work.
My sprit is full of fraud and my body is fragile vase with pathos. Thence, I have no other choice to train myself to study thought, philosophy and history. It is no way to make simple comments and give a description of caustically and unnecessary ones in this media.
Clear motive for creating something is from my mother's last sleep with scenes of sorrow and pain. This is trigger my thought divided. My speciality is music history in regional japan and folkloric Performing in the region of Japan: the description of women's vengeance and treason with fools and dubious character in acting of the "Kasane" in Japanese lyrical Noh drama.
Chef-d'oeuvre follows: "Lust for love" (2003) (adapted from Mishima's novel), "the dancing of death like butterflies: private note of legal action for children of atomic bomb victims in postwar era", "An screaming of Goze" (2004), "when a man falls through temptation into social pariah" (from Autobiography of my life)"
全ての訪問者にとって、このページの存在が 癒しになるよう祈ります。丸く、時に四角く 更新。
フェーバリット:四世雀右衛門の『祇園際礼 信迎記〜金閣寺』『鬼一法眼三略巻〜菊畑』 の演技、玉三郎の歌舞伎舞踊『隅田川』『天 守物語』の演技、吉田文雀の人形遣いの肉体 的苦悩、八世竹本綱太夫の仮名手本忠臣蔵『 勘平切腹の段』(特に18'13"-23'10")、鶴沢道八『 松波琵琶』の義太夫三味線、溝口健二『山椒 大夫』『近松物語』『雨月物語』、黒木和雄 『とべない沈黙』『祭りの準備』、黒澤明『 白痴』『醜聞』、増村保造『卍』『巨人と玩 具』『刺青』『華岡青洲の妻』、山本薩夫『 不毛地帯』『華麗なる一族』『武器なき斗い 』『人間の壁』『叛乱』、加山又造『朧ろ月 夜』の妖艶なる世界観、 Ingmar Bergman, Andrei Arsenyevich Tarkovsky, Francois Ozon, Robert Altman, Eric Rohmer, Jan Svankmajer, Balthus, russian "chansonnier" Alexandr Vertinsky, Kim Ki-Duk (Korean film director).....and other many genre of people and works.
web to:http://museumcourt.hmc5.com/
teacher: http://museumcourt.hmc5.com/okamoto
コメント:私の精神とは緩やかに欺瞞に満ち 、身体とは脆き情念の花瓶故、思想・哲学、 歴史観を鍛えます。優美なる絶世の一言から 、辛辣なる緊張を強いる記述までコメントし ていただいて結構です。物を形にする最大の 動機は、母の痛痒で慟哭なる病没。そして私 の世界を分節した契機です。 代表作は「美徳のよろめき」「蝶々の踊りー 原爆認定訴訟に見る戦後手記」「或るごぜの 叫び」
写真は、自分の愛している人が、喜んでいる 姿を写しています。

My Interests

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My Blog

startdrawing.org | the asia drawing portal

startdrawing.org is a web resource portal for Asia's artists and drawings. http://www.startdrawing.org/This site was started with the aim of showcasing and sharing drawings from talented artists in As...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 07:17:00 GMT


Hi, I reconstitute my profile in English. I wonder if it is clear and kicking impression for you.
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 21:12:00 GMT

The Russian Tsars at Tokyo

Edo-tokyo museum tells story of Little Father without age of czar.I visited museum.Good!..........The Greatest Treasures of the Russian Tsars Wanders of the Kremlin, a World Heritage Sitehttp://www.ed...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 21:08:00 GMT