Frieza profile picture


About Me

What's up, monkeys? This is Frieza. If for some reason you don't know who I am... I should vaporize you. But I've become less aggressive over the years, so to speak. However, I still hate monkeys a lot. By monkeys.. I mean Saiyans. I mean, honestly. Have you seen a Super Saiyan 4? They're covered in fur. It's about the gayest thing ever. I'd rid the universe of them if I could. I should start working out again.
I'm not the only child.

My dad is King Kold (on the left) and my bro is Cooler (on the right). Dad always did favor Cooler over me... Cooler's been a jerk to me since the day we were born. I'm shorter. My voice isn't as masculine. And he can transform one form higher than me (Lah-de-Freakin-Dah)... On top of all that... his name is "Cooler". I may have graduated top of my class, but he always got the chicks for some reason. He was the one who played sports in high school... Oh well. Life goes on, right?
I'm not here to play your gay little Myspace battles which consist of "ZOMG i attack u with my supra power adn u die cuz ur a losr!!!11one lolz k thx". You know why I'm not here for that? Cuz I'm not a dumb gay monkey. I'm just here for friends, and for collecting more henchmen. And the chicks.

My Interests

I enjoy destroying planets with as little effort as possible. I also spend a lot of my time flying around in my spaceship looking for new planets to invade. That's right... INVADE. I have henchmen. Bet you can't say that about any other guy on Myspace, eh ladies?I also do lots of other rad things like not wear any clothes.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Goku, so I can finally kill him for good. For good means, that his gaytarded friends won't wish him back again. Cuz they'll all be dead too. Then when they're all dead, I'll take over the universe like I was originally going to until they foiled my evil plans! Noohoohoohoo!!
Other than that, I guess I'd like to meet Reinc ppl. Cuz they seem cool.


The only music I'm really into is the sound of some lower being begging for mercy at my feet. Cuz I'm evil like that... Noohoohooo...If I had to choose some earth music... it'd probably be screamo. Only cuz they make the same sounds as someone does when they whine. Before I destroy their planet. Nooh......


I'd probably have to say Dragonball Z: The Rebirth of Fusion: Goku and Vegeta! ...But I'm not going to... cuz I get killed in that movie.. again...


Hmm. DBZ. Only the Freeza saga, though.