Jigme(Newï¼™songs!!!) profile picture


About Me

Jigme, the first recordings of split E.P. with khnum
"Doubt of Nutmeg E.P." on sale.(limited 100 copies available)
Doubt of Nutmeg E.P.
1. khnum - Siberia Super Express
2. khnum - The Old Man & The Chalk
3. Jigme - Pharaoh is Asleep
4. Jigme - 15years
come to our show and own it, or contact us:jigmesound@gmail.com
Jigme - "Mass" live in July, at Shinjuku Nine Spices
ギター2人によるデュオユニットとして始動 。
その後、導かれるように集まったメンバーに より、バンド形態となり活動を始める。
当然、音楽性も変化してゆく。それは季節と 同じ。
変わるものは変わる、変わらぬものは、変わ らぬ。
埋もれる事を恐れない、輝く事を忘れない。 それがジグメ。
音楽は、そこにあるはずのない空気、”場” を生み出す。
音として空中に放たれた心が、描き出す幻想 。
人として誰もが抱く感情、その何にも目を背 けずに、
10月、新大久保Club VoiceにてGREEN HANDのレコ発イベントに出演
11月、池袋3-triにてFreaked out folkに出演
8月、新宿nine spicesにてバンド形態移行後初のライブ
9月、新宿nine spicesにてライブ
10月、浅草kurawoodã«ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ™ãƒ³ãƒˆã€Œå¤§ç«¥å®´ã€ã«å‡ ºæ¼”
11月、新宿nine spicesにてライブ
1月、新宿nine spicesにてライブ
7月、新宿nine spicesにてライブ
9月、studio nestにてスタジオライブ、Magonote Tom脱退
葛西STUDIO M6(閉店)
ライブ・イベント等のお誘いは、いつでもお 待ちしております。
------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------

Jigme stands for "Nothing to be afraid of" in Tibetan.

In the beginning we started as a guitar duo, then we became a band with a coincidence the other members have come together.

Just like the season goes, the way of our music is continuously changing into various sections.
Why would bother, all things are in a state of flux, and music could be just the same.
Like something will flow, and the other will stay.
What could we leave here, what will be remained?

Never to be scared of being buried, remember shining. That's the term of "jigme".

With the music grooves an unexistable "field".
Released sounds of soul will draw a line of fantasy.
We face every single emotions to carry on, without to turn away from the facts,
determine to face, make it straight.
Then it slightly invloves pieces of sounds.
With polished emotions of passion, impulse, and sorrow.
We don't wanna be retarded with fakes.

Formed a band in Jan, 2007.
Feb, performed the real first gig in CAVE246, Ikejiri (Tokyo)
Jun, Continuously managed self organized lives for 2 days straight at MIB, Ikebukuro (Tokyo)
Oct, being invited to GREEN HAND's release party in Club Voice, Shin-okubo (Tokyo)
Nov, performed in 3-tri, Ikebukuro (Tokyo) so called "Freaked out folk"
Dec, held a second self organized live events at MIB, Ikebukuro (Tokyo)
April, new members have joined and goes to next dimension.
August, as a quartet, experienced the 1st live performance in Shinjuku Nine Spices.
September, the second show with this quartet in the same location, Shinjuku Nine Spices.
October, played a live event called Ohwarawa in Asakusa Kurawood.
November, had a gig in Shinjuku Nine Spices and the same month played in a college festival in Utunomiya University.
December, the first time playing in Shinjuku Motion.
January, 4th live show in Shinjuku Nine Spices.
February, 1st time playing in Sangenjaya Heaven's Door.
March, 2nd time playing in Sangenjaya Heaven's Door.
May, 2nd time (1st as the band) playing in Ikebukuro 3-tri.
July, 5th time playing show in Shinjuku Nine Spices.
---Rehearsal locations---
Nishikasai STUDIO M8
Kasai STUDIO M (Tokyo)(CLOSED)
Nishi-funabashi STUDIO SUN (Chiba)
Urayasu SimSim (Chiba)
Anytimes we'll be pleased with your invitation for gigs and stuffs.
contact with: jigmesound@gmail.com

My Interests


Member Since: 15/04/2007
Band Members:

・Kiminori Kamo
(Electric Guitar)

・Tomohiko Shimazu
(Acoustic Guitar、Vocals)

・Kenichi Iwagami
(Bass Guitar, Vocals, Bird Calls)

Past on the register member

・Magonote Tom
(Drums、Blues Harp, Keyboards)

Influences: King Crimson
Soft Machine
John Frusciante
Joan of arc
At the drive-in
My name is...
Mother 2 (Nintendo)
Godspeed you! black emperor
Jeff Buckley
Suede (early age)
Chico Hamilton Quintet
Talking Heads

Sounds Like: A quartet twisting electric and acoustic guitars.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog


UfÜånkamogY(åo¬†ð͹Èg¹¿¸ªé¤ôgW_³kefOŒ_ʪ­O“{„{„’oX`Dh SÆQdQfOŒf_cwŠTÕŒn‚n~m’ … á'Hg„cfOŒ_~0U“]Wf͹Ȓ¸WfO`Uc_…0 U“oX¹¿ÃÕn¹BŠLhFTVD~W_(åné¤Ö’‚cfÉéànÞ´ÎÆûÈào1 W~W_1kdDf oN»nÖí°’ÂgkWfO`UD ú...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Sep 2009 04:57:00 GMT


ˆFS]úLö%(Üå„ÑÜå’LMeY‹"–*`ÊåoÄ¿äkLcfM_BŒ‚SŒ‚B‹Xƒüüüüü“ hK DjL‰íkгг#$’eŒfDc_‰šÑOkjcfW~c_ˆ—LC†`c_nghŠBHZJå 恋B‹s³xUŒ_hŠBHZÁ礹’ûá¿ë®¢½êÃÉ µóÈéûÐëüóºû¢ìï¨óѤ¢ûÉé¯ ¨hÆûv“v“Ufé¤Ä ¸ç¤é¤É...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Sep 2009 08:20:00 GMT

Wanted, we need a drummer.

wanted, we need a drummer.(east Tokyo) looking for the drummer who don't smoke(option) can come to a studio every Sunday in east side of Tokyo (mostly in Nishi-kasai) we don't care how o...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Sep 2009 22:40:00 GMT

9songs Updated!!!!!!hòô°

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Posted by on Wed, 02 Sep 2009 06:20:00 GMT


{c{c{cÜågYkamogYH1gÈàLMW_ngj“hjO1n-kÕLøDf~W_SŒK‰SnÖí° oÊ~gnˆFk°KLinÜå’ÅSWf&hDFngojOáóÐüL1Þ}MjBkøM¼€hDF„Š¹k·ÕÈWfD SFhD~YjngÜåkÕLô°WfD‹no_~_~jngY(åoÉéàœMn3ºg¹¿¸ªkecfM~W_~ Aj“dFK2¨k1¹LnMkŠkjc...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 06:33:00 GMT

a day in the life with scary monsters and super creeps ... å8h¤¤Xn­ãé_a

S“kaåÜn© gYÊ1ohkKO¢Ã×À¦ón³WD 1“gW_Ü6BnûÊkWŠ0xJQKwnã S\mgB‹7BK‰Õ‹LË~‹pnФªÏ¶üÉ„jâó¹¿ükÎH‰Œ‹ÑÍë’ d dGØQѤגµé óéÃ×_Dj„dgP‹P‹kûM~h‹n11BkÕ‹LB‹Så ÒkÍD_º_ahòKxc øK‰Œ )xn‡åhô’, nË4g³ßY‹...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Aug 2009 23:21:00 GMT


iF‚(Üånö%gYSS“hSýŒ‹ˆFjÎå’cf~WfW~Dkƒ×ì÷ãük Q_KÝ·HW_nKo_ ~_ФÈHnH)kÓUŒ_KiFK¨ª’rDfÕ‹’“gW~D~W_Õonkîš~W’ô‰YngY LÊoª"nekWK^SHZ 8gjDÀëUkHKmf~W_ФÈHnÉ´nB~ŠkBcQjDûqnþ Ükjª’šHjL‰‚Я¹¤wM_...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Aug 2009 01:58:00 GMT


|O Hc —á ݤóÈ«üÉoJgW‡FK |O DHåŠ~[“ —á Hc |O Hc —á ~`JgjDhD FShgW‡FK |O Y‹“gYK —á jkL |O «üÉL —á BADšQfD_`QŒpéó¯L L‹ÕDkjcfJŠ~Y |O jk]ŒYTD —á ]ŒgoJ\ŠD_W~W‡FK!™gYW |O Pc_ŠW~[ “K —á Hc |O Hc —á BA...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Aug 2009 07:58:00 GMT

If god only exists, then why would they want me to tell it so? ... ^LD‹j‰j\Õk]FzU[_nK

S“kao—Çn© gYð¨k'èk0h Ño) 0pLDgYmåŠDnð~nËTK‰#aLBcfð¨n[D g>Lúbä’úWŒå“kjc_hnSh'ˆß`jA&hQkËHfD_‰ÊåÆìÓnËåü¹gKjŠþ0 o' j¶ÁkjcfD‹n’åcfM ¤ÞW_OjŠ~W_Õo߯·£åk‚facebookhDF³ßåËÆ£µ¤È ‚cf‹ngYLÊåB‹ËºLͯ¿¤...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Aug 2009 01:17:00 GMT


JcYJcYknKYˆgYϦ¢ÃüæüD„ASjD` 9NjIo’îkW~Wf86åk Îk(‹LBcf Lc_“YLSnåcfƒökŸL=a_åXƒjDgYK]Œ`hDFnkÅnhŠkoPi‚_aLg\‰Œ_Ô«Á å¦n«Š‚n’WfÊiWfD‹Ë+&Ô«Éó 9NY j“K ÎgݱâóÕ§¹_Dn„cfD_‰WO!¢jSi‚ n„‹Shj‰WƒüjDhc_“gY...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Aug 2009 08:25:00 GMT