♡ChArL!E♡ profile picture


my spaceå§‹ã‚ã¾ã—ãŸâ™¡ä½¿ã„ã“ãªã™ã«ã¯ã¾ã ã¾ã æ™‚é –“がかかりそう・・・でもæ

About Me

Hi,I'm Charlie♡The Tokyo breeding that I was born in Tokyo. I become 22 years old this year. I move now and live in Yokohama for three years.The Tokyo breeding that I was born in Tokyo. I become 22 years old this year. I move now and live in Yokohama during three years. Work is a salesperson in clothes shop. There is an encounter with various people by work every day, and I enjoy conversation with them. I spent almost laughingly for 21 years until today. I am cheerful. I like laughing very much and like talking with various people. Conversation is important in my life!I started MySpace recently. MySpace is difficult to use , and I can't yet understand it... I can't speak English at all. But I want to learn it. because a I wants friends all over the world! friend request is welcome♬ Please become me and a friend♪♪よく笑います!一日笑ってます。 今日までの21年間もほとんど笑って過ごして㠁ã¾ã—た~ 明るく・楽しくがモットー!! なので一緒に楽しいこと出来る友達は宝物で す♡ 元気さ・明るさには自信があります♪今しか 出来ないことはたくさんあるはず! いろんな人とお話したり世界を広げたいです ♬ ちなみに英語は全く話せません。。そのクセ 外国の方との交流がすごく好きです♡こんな 私ですが、興味が湧いて頂けたらメッセなど ください:) もちろん日本人のお友達もたくさん欲しいの でお気軽にどうぞ♬よろしくお願いします☆

My Interests

❤ฺ ♡ ❤ฺ ♡ ❤ฺ ♡ ❤ฺ ♡ ❤ฺ ♡ ❤ฺ ♡ ❤ฺ ♡ ❤ฺ ♡ ❤ฺ ♡ ❤ฺ ♡

I'd like to meet:

I♥BLACK MUZIK♬ my life without muzik isn't thought about... i input various muzik into iPod and carry it. i wanna become friend whom a hobby fits. if it comes true, I'm so happy♬ i Listening muzik of RnB and Soul mainly.BLACK MUZIKが大好きです♥ 音楽ナシの生活は考えられません。 iPodにいろいろ詰め込んで持ち歩いてます。 同じ趣味の方とお友達になれたら嬉しいです ♬◊ 主にRnB,Soulをよく聴きます




Pirates Of The Caribbean♥


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