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次世代のシーンを任せるにはこいつしかいな い。最終兵器RAPPER鳳雷。
アーティスト性、音楽センス、オリジナリテ ィー性を抜群に繰り出す彼が、マイクを手に したのが19歳の時。
CLUBのみならずライブハウス、野外イベントだ¨æœˆï¼‘0本以上のライブをこなし現在までトム¼ã‚¿ãƒ«ï¼”ï¼ï¼æœ¬ã®ç¾å ´ã‚’æ­©ã‚“ã§ããŸã€‚æ´»å‹•ã®å¹ …ã‚’æ±æµ·åœ°æ–¹ã‹ã‚‰å…¨å›½ã«ç§»ã—ãŸã®ã¯æ•°å¹´å‰ã€ç €ã€…とその名を広めていく。
現場を重視し、堂々たるパフォーマンスはHIP -HOPç•Œã‹ã‚‰ã«é™ã‚‰ãšã€ä»–ã‚¸ãƒ£ãƒ³ãƒ«ã‹ã‚‰ã‚‚ä¸€ç›®ç½ ®ã‹ã‚Œã¦ã„る。アグレッシブでありDOPEで勢い㠁®ã‚る彼の音楽は、一つ一つの言葉が芸術で㠀ã‚ªãƒªã‚¸ãƒŠãƒ«ãƒ†ã‚£ã‚ふれるHIP-HOPの世界を作り 上げている。
2004年4月には第二弾のライブ会場限定 シングルCD"One Page..."を発売し、CLUB業界のみならず各業界か ら高い評価を得た。
その結果、東海エリア最大級のラジオ局であ るZIP-FMのFind Outの企画着うたダービーにエントリーされ、 2004年10月のマンスリーグランプリに 輝く。
雑誌"ぴあ〜東海版〜"ã§ã‚‚å–ã‚Šä¸Šã’ã‚‰ã‚Œã€ä½•å º¦ã‹ã®ãƒ©ã‚¸ã‚ªå‡ºæ¼”を果たす。
2005年6月22日、自身が立ち上げたレ ーベルROZIURA RECORDSから1st Mini Album"武シャ者"を発売。
Producerに名古屋に注目トラックメーカーグル㠃¼ãƒ—DJ034--GROWTH、KEMURI PRODUCTIONから刃頭THE最狂音術師が1曲、カルム†ãƒƒãƒˆã®AVIAなどの面々が参加し、ロック調か㠂‰ãƒ©ãƒ†ãƒ³èª¿ã¨å¹…広い楽曲が収録され、発売日㠁«ã¯å„TOWER RECORDSã‚„HMVなどで大々的にと展開される。
HMV栄店週間インディーズチャートで3位に輝 く。
地方の店舗でも新人にして異例の売り上げ記 録を残す。またFROM A、an、スパイマスター東海版、ぴあ東海版に 掲載され、 東海ラジオ局のRADIOIでは一押しARTISTとして、 RADIO GAGA TVに生出演し、生ライブをこなす。
名古屋だけではなく三河地方、三重、大阪、 埼玉、東京とイベントの依頼があり、2005年だ®å¹´æœ«å¤§æš´ã‚Œãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ã¨ã—ã¦ï¼‘ï¼æœˆã€ï¼‘ï¼‘æœˆã€ï¼ ‘2月と計12カ所25公演といった各地区での ライブを行う。
2006年3月8日には早くも2nd Mini Album"ぶちかまし"を発売。
管楽器、弦楽器と多彩な楽器を起用したトラ ックとのマッチ度は最高。それぞれの曲の色 を十二分に発揮し、1曲目から最後まで度肝 抜かれっぱなしの二発目。
BLASTã‚„ã‚¹ãƒ‘ã‚¤ãƒžã‚¹ã‚¿ãƒ¼æ±æµ·ç‰ˆãªã©å„é›‘èªŒã§ã®æ Ž²è¼‰ã€ZIP-FMã‚„FMのラジオ局に出演。 又東京都の宝島社が発行した「ラグジュアリ ーカー」の付録と成っているDVDのBGMとして二 曲起用される。
過去参加作品として、2006年3月22日 にBIGG MAC RECORDSから発売されたDJ 034&GROWTH "BEST OF DJ 034&GROWTH MIX"。三曲鳳雷の曲が収録されている。
現在まで数々のメディア、イベントに露出し その存在感を堂々と発揮してきた中、イベン ト限定曲等を発売しリスナーの心をしっかり と掴む。
2007年8月8日、1年6ãƒ¶æœˆã¶ã‚Šã¨ãªã‚‹éŸ³æºï¼ ‘st Full Album"愛して止まない"が満を持して発売。
今作は8年間の活動の集大成と言える作品。 南は福岡からHIP-HOPの伝承者GM MICKや西は大阪から看板RAPPERの4WDと超豪華メム³ãƒãƒ¼ãŒå‚加。
名古屋から前作で参加済みの刃頭、DJ 034と連なっている。バラエティーあふれ たトラックに芯の通ったラップ、言葉とどの メジャーのArtistに引けをとらないであろう。
発売週にはダイキサウンド週間リリースチャ ートで上位にランクイン。
そして今年の8月にZIP-FM"Eind Out"にて鳳雷楽曲"I Love..."がエントリーされ、強者揃いの中リス㠃Šãƒ¼ã‹ã‚‰ã®æŠ•ç¥¨ã‚’集め見事マンスリーチャン㠃”オンに輝く。
9月は"I Love..."がエンディング曲に 決定。
現在まで数々のメディア、イベントに出演し その存在感を堂々と発揮。2008年大注目 ARTISTである。
また鳳雷の地元である新城市(旧鳳来町)ã§æ˜¨å ¹´ã‹ã‚‰ã«é‡Žå¤–イベント"Make Some Noise"を、自身が中心となり開催し、2006 年は1500人、2007年は2000人も のお客を動員させ大成功にさせる。
There is only this fellow to leave Sheen of the next generation. Ultimate weapon RAPPER Otori thunder.
His who paid out artist characteristics, a music sense, originality characteristics outstandingly having had a microphone in his hand at the age of 19 years old.
I handled not only CLUB but also live house, an outdoor event and live broadcasting more than 10 a month and walked the spot of 400 total to date.
What put width of the activity into the whole country from the Tokai district spreads the name steadily several years ago.
I make much of the spot, and the dignified performance is taken off its hat to from the other genre as well as from HIP-HOP world. I am aggressive, and speech of one 1 is art, and his music with the force finishes the world of HIP-HOP that オリジナルティ overflows in DOPE.
It releases a live broadcasting meeting place-limited CD in August, 2003 and lets 500 pieces sell out in only several months.
It is the second live broadcasting meeting place-limited single CD"One Page in April, 2004... It released "and got high evaluation from not only the CLUB industry but also each industry.
As a result, it is done an entry in the plan ringing song Derby of Find Out of ZIP-FM which is a radio station of the Tokai area maximum grade and shines to the monthly grand prix in October, 2004. Even - "for magazine" Pia - Tokai is taken up and carries out the radio appearance that how many degrees is.
It releases person of 1st Mini Album" mushamon"from label ROZIURA RECORDS which own stands on June 22, 2005 and put up.
All such as AVIA of the quartet participate, and Latin-like and a wide musical piece are recorded by lock-like, and one piece of Rev.
art of most blade head T HE maniac sound is developed in each TOWER RECORDS or HMV in Producer in Nagoya on a sale date by attention truck maker group DJ034 & GROWTH, KEMURI PRODUCTION if large-scale.
I shine with the third place in an independent movie chart for HMV Sakae shop Week. I make even a local store a new face and leave exceptional sales record.
In addition, I am for FROM A, an, spy master Tokai, and it is carried by Pia Tokai version, and, as push ARTIST's best in RADIOI of the Tokai radio station, life appears in RADIO GAGA TV and handles straight live broadcasting.
There are not only Nagoya but also Mikawa district, triple Osaka, Saitama, Tokyo and the request of the event and performs in total the live broadcasting in each district such as 12 places of 25 performances with December in November in October as rampage live broadcasting at the end of the year of 2005.
I make 2nd Mini Album" early on March 8, 2006 and release ".
The product pursues music called HIP-HOP for Otori thunder than a previous work, and the lyric poem contents become the work which gave the expression of feelings realistically now. The match degree with the truck which I appointed a wind instrument, a stringed instrument and various musical instruments as is the best.
The second shot that I show a color of each music sufficiently, and the heart blunder from the first piece till the last, and keep on. BLAST or spy master Tokai version appear in a radio station of publication with each magazine, ZIP-F M and FM.
In addition, it is appointed two pieces as BGM of DVD becoming the appendix of "the luxurious car" which Treasure Island company of Tokyo published.
DJ034&GROWTH "BEST OF DJ034&GROWTH MIX" which was released as the past entry on March 22, 2006 by BIGG MAC RECORDS. Music of three pieces of Otori thunder is recorded.
It releases event-limited music and catches the heart of the listener well to date while I crop out for the many media, an event and showed the presence magnificently.
"Which I love sound source 1st Full Album" which it becomes 1 year 6 months since the last on August 8, 2007, and do not stop is fully prepared and releases it.
The work which can say that a product is the collected studies of the activity of eight years now.
In the south, 4WD of drawing card RAPPER and a super luxurious member participate in person of tradition GM MICK and the west of HIP-HOP from Osaka from Fukuoka.
It ranges with blade head which is finished with participation, DJ034 in a previous work from Nagoya.
Variety will be second to none. I am ranked the high rank in a release chart for Daiki sound Week in a release week.
And it is Otori thunder musical piece "I Love " in ZIP-FM"Eind Out in August of this year... "Is done an entry of and I collect the votes from a listener while I am full of strong men and shine to a wonderful monthly champion.
It is "I Love in September... "Is decided in ending music.
I appear for the many media, an event and show the presence magnificently to date. It is attention ARTIST very much for 2008 years.
In addition, own plays a key role and holds outdoor event "Make Some Noise" in Shinshiro-shi (former Horaichou) that is a hometown of the Otori thunder in from last year and lets I let you mobilize a visitor of 2,000 in 1,500, 2007 in 2006, and a great success do it.

My Interests


Member Since: 09/04/2007
Band Members:


2nd ALBUM 『平成ジパング』2008.12.3 on sale!!

1st ALBUM 『愛して止まない』
now on sale!!

2nd MINI ALBUM 『ぶちかまし』
now on sale!!

1st MINI ALBUM 『武シャ者』
now on sale!!

Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

"s¸Ñó°" 2008.12.3 on sale

EWvŠnMy SpaceÖí°køM¼gYÊåo....°@Å1’,å2008t123åkúnNew Album "s¸Ñó°"LhýzòhjŠ~W_D„Ê\o1t4övŠn\Á>«n šgYin¢ëÐàˆŠr“jsgä ÐDng/^/^ÁãïWf UD¢oMr.OZAK-69 a.k.a Kalassy NikoffGRAND BEATZ(DJ RYOW & T...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Dec 2008 14:51:00 GMT

this is ó÷

Posted by on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 07:50:00 GMT