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BIOGRAPHY (japanese)
●2002年06月  ジーサス(VO & GU)、矢吹ヨウ(Drums)、スナ(Bass)で結成。
●2003年11月  新ベーシスト、ナカジマが加入し現体制とな る。
●2005年03月  1st マキシシングル「ROCK'N ROLL」でCDデビュー。
●2005年07月  FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '05 出演。
            ROOKIE A GO-GOステージ3日間の大トリを飾る。
●2005年08月  遠藤ミチロウ,bloodthirsty butchers  と共演。
●2005年11月  長野県松本市 信州大学「銀嶺祭」出演のため高速道路走行 中
            機材車が爆発炎上。機材全焼するもライブは 決行する。
●2006年06月  2nd マキシシングル「チェンジバード」リリース 。
           WEEKLYぴあ CD満足度ランキング年代別(10代部)で1位獲得 。
●2006年07月  FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '06 2年連続出演 。
●2006年10月  初の単独公演「ONE FOR THE ROAD」を開催(満員御礼)
●2007年01月  自主企画「ONE PEACE REVOLUTION」を新宿ロフトで開催。
             ズボンズ、宙ブラリ、ロザンナ THE BUZZ と共演。
●2007年02月  1stアルバム「FREEDOM DOCUMENT」リリース!
●2007年04月  ツアーファイナルを 「惑星」 と2マンで開催。
●2007年05月  VeryApe企画で 「浅草ジンタ」「鳥肌実」 と共演。
â– JAZZNEKO is formed by JESUS(vocals,guitar),NAKAJIMA(bass) and YABUKI(drums) in Tokyo in June 2002. As know as "REVOLUTIONARY ROCK BAND IN JAPAN", they are a thrilling rock band, passionately committed and unafraid to put themselves on the line.They are influenced by all kind of rock music, such as Bob Dylan, Neil Young, U2, NIRVANA, and RHCP etc..They've released 3 EP and CD so far.They played with many exciting bands like RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS, PRIMAL SCREAM and Mars Volta etc.. at huge japan festival called FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL(05,06) 2 years in a row.
â– The article on JAZZNEKO in FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL'06
None of that jazz...
The best things to be found at FRF are not always listed on the schedule. And the tiny stage that has built off the side of the boardwalk is one of those hot spots to watch. As I made my way to Heaven I found Jazzneko busying themselves in preparation for a performance. And though the name suggested jazz, they were anything but. Think more Chili Peps meet Iggy Pop and throw in some slick 70s guitar licks and you'll have a better idea of what they sounded like. My buddy thought they sounded like the Hi-Lows. So add a dash of that, too, just for good measure. No one in this 3-piece band (lead guitar and vocals, bass and drums) was young, but they had quite a few young fans, all of whom someone managed to mosh themselves off the boardwalk into the bushes below and back again. At one point I thought the singer was going to jump on in with us, too. They were a bit mad and very manic. And all the while people kept pouring through the gap on their way to and from the White Stage and Heaven.
Reported by sisterchill (2006.07.28)
song for Freedom Document

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Member Since: 3/19/2007
Band Website: jazzneko.net



Record Label: murffin dics
Type of Label: Indie