Nino (UNDERGRAM/JP) profile picture


About Me

UNDERGRAMのA&Rにしてレジデントを務めるNino㠁¯ã€10代の頃にはグラインドコアやファスト゠³ã‚¢ã¨ã„ったパンクスカルチャーにのめり込゠“でいたが、たまたま訪れたLondonにて体験しだŸã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒ¯ãƒƒãƒˆãƒ‘ーティーにて衝撃を受け、ダム³ã‚¹ãƒŸãƒ¥ãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒƒã‚¯ã‚«ãƒ«ãƒãƒ£ãƒ¼ã¸ã¨è¶³ã‚’踏み入゠Œã‚‹äº‹ã¨ãªã‚‹ã€‚アナログの良さを十分に理解だ—た上でのAbleton Liveを駆使したデジタルマルチトラックDJセッ トは、荒削りながらも絶対的なパワーを持っ た一癖も二癖もあるインディーサウンドを変 幻自在に操り、自作のサウンドLOOPやノイズ〠FX等を随所にちりばめて、全く新しいグルー ブを作り出していく。DJでありながらLiveの様 な緊張感と即興性を重視した唯一無二のセッ トを披露する事をテーマに、彼の音楽探求は 決して終わらない。Nino, A&R and also resident DJ, was lead to the punk culture in his teens and then stepped into the dance music culture when he visited London where he first experienced a squat party.? Nino creates the digital multi track DJ set with the full use of Abelton Live, which also shows he understands the best part of analog. Rough but 'protean', he juggles powerful indie tracks and creates brand-new groove by strew with his own sound loop, noise and FX. With the theme - DJ but like 'playing live', performance with tension and improvisation, his music exploratory will continue.

My Interests


Member Since: 16/03/2007
Band Website: www.UNDERGRAM.COM
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Chart (March 2009)

Nino Chart ~ March 2009 ~ 01. Telefon Tel Aviv - The Birds / Bpitch Control 02. Solomun + Ost & Kjex - Federgewicht / Diynamic 03. Zombie Disco Squad - The Dance / Dirtybird 04. Masomenos - Les Trois ...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 22:26:00 GMT