Kelly SIMONZ’s BLINDFAITH "King Of The Castle"
-The Official Kelly SIMONZ's myspace-
Kelly is a technical guitarist of great emotion, aged 36, who once took a class in
GIT in LA and had various experiences as a session musician during his stay
in the U.S.. Actually his band once started a first recording by receiving a
offer from a major record company. However, the American music industry was
suddenly shifted to GRUNGE and-----. Surprisingly enough, in this CD, he
also proved his talent as a singer inspired by Paul Rogers.
His music is melody oriented hard rock and you may categorize it as a
traditional European hard rock such as Rainbow etc.. However, at the same time,
he is influenced by American rock bands of 80’s such as Journey and
Foreigner and this gives a cutting edge to his music melody-wise and
rhythm-wise. Just listen to it. -Guitar Play-
Without doubt, his guitar play reminds you of Y.J.M. and he realizes it.
However, not only from technical point of view, his guitar play is very
different from the guitarists so called Y.J.M. clones in his pureness, with
blues spirits inside, to the music he plays like SRV. Just listen to it.