Lotus Kid profile picture

Lotus Kid

Loneliness knows my name

About Me

I want to make a difference.

I changed my font at pyzam.com

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I bloody love this girl, she's just one of the coolest, fabbest people you will ever meet. She went through a pretty shit time, but i reckon she's through all that, and loving life! Min has seriously helped me with everything and i love her for it. Thank you babe, I want to see you up on that main stage at wireless! Can't wait till we go travelling! "Shoot for the moon, cause even if you miss you'll land among the stars"

Shubha is my rock. I love her to pieces. Seriously, anyone who has not had a Shuuby hug, has not lived! She always gives me the best advice and puts my feet back on solid ground. One day, we will be doctors together! I have some amazing memories with her that will last a lifetime, and still have me in stitches just thinking about them! (16th b'day-hair catching fire! funniest thing since the invention of choking/ tequila shots in pennies on results night and spending all my money on PITCHERS!)4 Days in Nottingham together...did someone say...party?! love you always and forever

A fucking LEGEND! I got to know Em properly in Year 9, and the first thing i saw was her punching Catherine Winters in the face, just for pissing her off! We had German together with The Frau and we had soooo much fun! just sitting there shouting "FLIEGEN" at The Frau whenever she asked us anything! And our History lessons, secret soviet bunkers under the fountain...nazi endoctrination by Mrs Westlake.. oh the conspiracy! "Code Red, code red, this is Mother Hen. The quails are in the nest...I repeat, operation Hitler is in place. this message will self destruct in 5..." Some of the best memories of my life.

So much to say abut this lovely lady! I've known her since year 5? I think it was? But my elsmiffy has always been a constant in my life. Everything else can change but as long as Elsie's still there, I know i'll be ok. Memories of hiding in the Yr6 bathroom when it was cold outside and trying out eyeliner for the first time! JAMMY DODGER! good ol' James Martin and your discos. wow. those were some seriously good times! and all through high school, she was always there for me, ready with a big scottish hug and a hockey stick! "let's get back on track" I love latin. I love Virgil. I love Pliny. I love Dr Ridd. But most of all, I love Elspeth.

Ah, my wonderful Grammar buddy! seriously, if it weren't for her, i probably would have gone back to IHS by now. She's kept me sane(ish) and i love our starbucks and China Blue days. and buying MORE benefit makeup! i love you more than everything and thank you for it all. love

Alice's been around since gawd knows when! i think we were even in reception together! she's so lovely and ditzy and always makes me laugh. not to mention beautiful! Charlotte is beyond fabulous and i will send that letter! she has an extensive paper collection, which is far better than mine. we need another chip&dip&movie night because i miss all the good times. Revision partys at Al's house, and getting caught in the rain! rolling down that hill, sausage formation, and finding Abi Jeffery! i'll always remember our DofE and the singing...oh the singing. and the moose with the juice! haha! good times. Al's cocktail party was brilliant, although i think i drank a little too much, i little too fast and before i knew it i was swaying about all over the place! i walked into her house after about a month of not seeing the IHS lot, and i swear i was going to burst into tears! i can't believe how much i missed you all!

I've known this little lady(no pun intended) for a couple of months, and i'm just so glad i met her! she's made my life at the grammar so much bettr and more exciting. i love her dearly already and i just know we're going to be friends for a long long time. she's absolutly hilarious and i wouldn't know what to do without her now. thank you for being just so beyond fabulous flower. *you're so pretty!* love you loads x

Even though we've kinda drifted apart, there'll always be a place in my heart for this girlie. my best friend since year 5, we used to do EVERYTHING together. swimming, ballet, gym, EVERYTHING! we were SO similar, i loved her, but i hated her. we fought so much, and violence was an issue(!) (still got the scars to prove it!) we've had some amazing memories, mainly at her house, pretending to be witches on your banister, with paws as our sidekick, eating tuna sandwiches, at "J TAYLOR" and drinking hot chocolate at forestreet swimming pool while owen showed us his weekly new hawaian shirt! "how high can u lift ur leg livvie?" *smack* "ow my eye" lmao. The hairy monster, and piggyback rides all round westerfield in your brand new boot WITH HEELS! shock. lol. wow. this list could actually go on forever, but i'd better stop sooner or later. we could have been child stars. i

My amazing cousin. i

These are the special ones.